Discussion: RNC Chair Says The Texas Abortion Law Is About 'Compassion'

How is it that Todd doesnt think to mention the Hyde Amendment and force Preibus to accept the truth? WTF!


Republicans believe that “compassion” is what they’re showing when they refrain from beating up people who resist being abused. Nothing but lying, greedy, Koch-fellating bullies.


You remember back when Sen. Kyl claimed that 90% of what Planned Parenthood did was abortions only to be fact-checked that it was only 3% of its services. He later went on to say “Not intended to be a factual statement”, for which he deserved well-earned ridicule. It was the birth of a new meme at the time. Planned Parenthood is not allowed by law to use any federal funding for abortion and is rigorously checked through oversight. Let me guess…Toady Todd didn’t confront Rinse Pubic Harebrain for his attempt to disseminate false information…because even though Chucky boy has been on the Hill covering politicians like a bean-counter, he hasn’t bothered to learn a fucking thing about the law, legislation of the Hyde Amendment, or anything really in all these years…and if he had…“it’s not his job anyways” to explain it to the American public, or so he likes to tell us. So that’s how we get this same lie over and over again, with another idiot MTP corporate lackey host taking up space, filling a seat for which he has no credibility as a “journalist” to fill.



Translation: “Women are not capable of making decisions regarding their own health and well-being, so the GOP has to step in and take control of their lives.”


I do not believe that word means what he thinks it does.

But did Chuckles confront him on the “taxpayer money for abortions” lie?

God, what a lying little sleezeball.

The blood of dead women, those unable to obtain safe, legal, and often medically necessary abortions will be on the hands of these Republicans.


Yeah, Rancid, it’s about compassion – the compassion of closet sadists like you and the rest of the anti-abortion crowd.

The “one issue” that is dividing them is sanity, not taxation. The law says absolutely nothing (as in nada, zip, nil, zero) about the funding of abortions, whether privately or by taxation or using public funds. Preibus must be confusing the Pinocchio story and thinking something other than his nose is going to grow if he tells a lie, because he sure has problems with speaking truth.

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rance, have the guts to state your party’s conviction. this had 0% to do with compassion and was 100% about shutting down the clinics and restricting women’s right to choose.

you are a gutless, lying pos.


“Daaad! Reince Priebus won’t come out of the closet!”

“Uh…I’m not in here. And Lindsey Graham isn’t in here with me. Right Senator?”

"That is correct, suh! I am not in hyar neither!"


Reince Priebus is full of it. The Texas abortion law is all about control of women and the enforcement of Christian Dominionism.


Love, love, love that fetus, hate that black man on death row


It would be clear to anyone but particularly those with uteruses that Rancid is fundraising on the back of pregnant women. These laws have nothing to do with health and everything to do with domination and keepin’ em barefoot and pregnant.


…and after they have the child they were forced to have, they’ll tell the little bastard he’s fucked because his mom was a slut.


Hey, only one lie called per answer, no matter how many are fold. That’s the rule.


Also, blaming rape victims for getting raped, opposing hate crime legislation, cheering on the use of excessive force by cops, and slashing unemployment benefits–all about compassion. feel the compassion.


Republican logic: burn the forest to save the trees.


Compassion? Compassion?? Compassion??? As my beloved Grandfather used to say when I uttered something completely nonsensical, “That dog ain’t gonna hunt!”

“But the fact of the matter is that we believe that any woman that’s
faced with an unplanned pregnancy deserves compassion, respect,
counseling, whatever it is that we can offer…”

“”…except, of course, the abortion she’s actually seeking. To offer that would be wrong.""

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