Discussion: RNC Chair: Clinton Is The One Who Would Abandon Our Allies, Not Trump!

Reince Priebus, “The Obvious Anagram” (hat tip: Charles Pierce) is such an empty suit! Oh, excuse me, more like five feet of manure poured in to two shoes. Is there a more worthless excuse for a “leader” in our country? I mean, besides Trump. Maher said it best; these people live on Bullshit Mountain. It’s starting to look more like Bizarro World to me. At least I can still mock them.


My apologies, I posted before reading your entry. Bad=Good, etc. Alternatively:

War is Peace.
Freedom is Slavery.
Ignorance is Strength.

Orwell is chuckling quietly to himself, somewhere in the Universe. Especially the last part. They are damned proud of their ignorance, and wear it as a badge of honor.

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Yes Reince. And black is white, up is down, good is bad, bad is good and you are the most colossal idiot of whom I have ever known.

Gawd , the speach writers must be getting paid overtime ( riiiight ) writing all these speaches that the Repubs had to say .