9/26-first debate according to this site.
Oh god, not the creepy kid band!
We laugh, but the conservative propaganda machine is doing everything it can to bring perception of the DNC convention and HIllary’s campaign down to the level at which the GOP/Teatrolls are capable of producing their own shit at this point. This is literally the “top story” on Faux News about Philly:
I’m sure if you ask some conservative douchenozzle, they’ll tell you that this is just “good for the goose, good for the gander” revenge for “propaganda” like pointing out things like plagiarism in Melania’s speech or an hour’s worth of lying in Derpy-D’s speech…but seriously, the only reason nobody had a story like this on the RNC convention is because nobody is sleazy enough to go digging for that kind of info just to smear the “other guys”. Well, nobody but Faux…and you can rest assured that the only reason they had to dig this shit up is that they are desperately wondering where the riots are that they were advertising would be taking place by now.
OMG. I was hoping it was those gawdawful USA Freedom Kids. Lo and behold …
That’s their headline? After an eight hour day in an arena we found trash?
They are now self parodying themselves, but the wingers will still eat it up.
Oh my . . .
But but but… this woman does have a more stunning smile than Condi and beautiful eyes.
Trump Girl through and through.
Well, they sure couldn’t diss last night’s speakers, could they? Reince tried to push this meme early yesterday - saying that the GOP convention was cleaner with better traffic control. Even if true, that’s a pretty weak endorsement for an event which is supposed to highlight policies and leaders for the future of the United States.
In Trump’s mind classically attractive features on a woman translates into intelligence and competency in her chosen line of work. It’s a lock if any women are tabbed to serve in his administration they’ll have to be on par with runway models.
She’s a ‘mean girl’. SOMEHOW, someone (Spicer, I’m looking at you) thought it was a good idea to try and start a ‘cat fight’. I just love how you Republicans ‘respect’ women…
If she does,I’ll ante up $20 to the Fitzpatrick campaign,
Hear that? That’s the sound of someone’s career expiring.
Here’s a complete list of all the black people I know who respect or otherwise like Omarosa (the African-American outreach for the Trump campaign):
This is good. This is good – Americans are just now starting to really pay attention to the race. I hope they’ve got a lot of Scott and Charmin because the shit Trumps pushes out is sticky … and there’s an endless supply of it being pushed out from GOP pie holes.
It seems like Republicans use race as a prop.
Depends on the definition of “lay into her”. Trump will definitely be calling her names, speaking louder and ranting. So from a Mixed Martial Arts point of view, he will be laying into her. From a brains and substance point of view he will be laying under her as she walks all over him.
Hilarious. Please proceed.
The RNC heard that Philadelphians like Amoroso rolls for their cheesesteaks and hoagies, but something got lost in translation.
Omorosa equals heat magnet.
Shes the epitome of a lapdog.
More so than Pearson