Discussion for article #235705
Easton Elliot? I guess the alias of Ocasek Ric would strain credulity…
hindrocket is a joke
Why is this story significant to you? “One wonders, why did he lie about it?”
Do you think that is evidence of a lie or evidence of a clarification? This changing from the exercise band “breaking” to “slipping”? “Well I don’t know for a fact that he’s lying, by the way. I never said that.”
Dude, seriously? You lied right there! JeezuzKriste!! – You people are insufferable idiots. Get a real life.
I think this dude has a man crush. :o)
Actually, more like post-envy.
Teh Stoopid burns with him.
On the other hand, contemplating how much time the wingers have wasted going over the details of Harry Reid’s (un)changing story is kind of satisfying. Schadenfreude tastes good in the afternoon.
It’s a good thing he discounted the Alien Abduction version.
Shorter Hinderaker:
I published it because it fit in with the bogus narrative I was trying to push.
Echo chamber is echoey.
Jesus, guys, gimme a break! Publishing lies told by liars is what we do. How was I supposed to know that this liar was going to come clean?
I’m speculating here, no question about it — I speculate that the reason for that change in story is that he wanted to get out of this box of a product liability problem.
Because Reid isn’t filing a lawsuit, something Republicans often and loudly complain there’s too much of, Reid must be lying about his injury? Maybe there’s no conspiracy here, maybe Reid was doing a workout regimen that he’s getting a little too old to be doing, he had an accident, and his pride is already bruised enough that he doesn’t feel like going to into details. Nah, too reasonable. Muslims, black people, and Mexicans with huge calves are somehow involved. There’s a story here, dammit, even if someone has to make one up!
I mean, obviously, once burned twice shy. Would I wonder if some crackpot is calling me on the phone? Absolutely, you bet I would.
Oy. The only ones who call you are crackpots, you pathetic piece of human excrement.
And look at him. The only thing missing is a bowtie.
Guys like Hindraker live in a shame-free zone. Their lives are to invent and promulgate various salacious memes that come from the Committee of the RW Propaganda Machine. Truth or validity has nothing to do with it. Goebbels would recognize them as his logical successors.
Why do these guys always fulfill even exceed the stereotypes of the wimpy, soft, RWNJs? The guy looks like he is off to conduct a holy roller prayer meeting of the faithful.
Two words: “flying saucers”.
You heard it here first.
“Rightwing Explains How He Got Punked By Phony Harry Reid Rumor”
Um… because he’s never been that concerned with facts and is willing to believe any negative story about Harry Reid? This is a headline on top of a pretty obvious article.
One must never forget Hinderaker’s finest moment:
“It must be very strange to be President Bush. A man of extraordinary vision and brilliance approaching to genius, he can’t get anyone to notice. He is like a great painter or musician who is ahead of his time, and who unveils one masterpiece after another to a reception that, when not bored, is hostile.”