Discussion: Rights Groups Warn Against US Flouting International Court Over Alleged War Crimes

As the world sees it:

Synopsis: According to John Bolton, the US will always protect its war criminals, Furthermore, the US cannot be expected to honor any international agreement it enters into.


So when the next US citizen or soldier is tortured by someone elsewhere in the world, we’ll have to say, “Yeah, we’re OK with that, everybody does it.”


Bush2, Cheney,. Yoo… Who else rightly at risk? The hypocrisy of the USA is astounding but not unexpected.

Just like with Watergate and Iran/Contra, if the highest levels are not held accountable, it will only get worse.


American war crimes are as American as apple pie.

John Bolton himself is one of the main beneficiaries of this policy.

But Obama did not see fit to prosecute war crimes, so these clowns are still running loose.

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And just like that, it’s Obama’s fault.

Damn you Obama! [shaking fist]

I suppose we’ll be hearing this from now on.

I don’t think it’s BHO’s fault as much as it is a cultural fault in those who see American Exceptionalism as some sort of holiness and/or get-out-of-jail-free card. This tends stronger in the conservative wing who also scream victimhood so loudly and disruptively.

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John Bolton aspires to be a war criminal himself, so he is speaking to his own self interest.