Discussion for article #221369
Why do brain damaged rightwing loonies talk about Rosa Parks all the time? Is it possible they’re trying to communicate with us?
“No, I’m sorry, I’m not rolling over for this one. You guys are out of line, you don’t own the land,”
When you boil away the hyperbole and comically flawed historical comparisons you’re left with the nut of his argument, a big fat lie. Until '93 Bundy was faithfully making his payments to the BLM and fulfilling the terms of his contract. It wasn’t too long ago conservatives were arguing that contracts were sacrosanct.
It’s impossible to debate these people because they wrap their lies in a Gish Gallop of distortions and emotions in a frantic attempt to avoid discussing the law.
Co-opting and misapplying liberal icons such as JFK, Rosa Parks, Jesus, Ghandi, etc. are favorite tactics of self-identified ‘victims.’
What struck me most about this was this quote:
***"This is the United States of America, where the rights of the individual are protected by the rest of us in government. And now we have the actual government officials doing just the opposite and almost bragging about it."***
where Mr. Mack almost simultaneously identifies with, and disassociates himself from, ‘the government.’
Glad to hear Richard Mack is a former sheriff; sorry to hear he was ever a sheriff at all.
Exactly. I get it now, I really do!
Bundy advocates for the use of non-violent tactics just like Ms Parks and Mr Ghandi.
And just like Parks and Ghandi he is being suppressed by government policies his own behavior has nothing to do with hid predicament.
He’s a victim, surely you people can see that?
Mack is correct, because just like the militia wannabes at the Bundy ranch, Rosa Parks picked up an assault rifle and hid behind an unarmed woman.
White supremacists, neo-Nazi’s, secessionists, anti-abortionists, angry veterans, religious loonies and other white people with a grievance all seem to have joined together in a larger, nastier and more dangerous cluster of hatred & mental derangement thanks to communication advances like the Internet. Combined with access to armament only dreamed of before the NRA pushed it’s agenda to the hilt they are in the position to inflict a lot more senseless violence on communities in this country. We know they have been responsible for some pretty horrific violence in the recent past and are itching to have their day of “glory” in the future. Pretty scary since so many yahoos in America seem to side with these crazies.