Discussion for article #235056
♫♪ Everybody wants to rule the world… ♫♪
The stakes are enormous as the Republican governor’s decision means that as many as 800,000 low-income Floridians could go without health insurance.
Take in this number and consider that Charlie Crist lost by about 64,000 votes.
Poor people need to realize their role in this nation. Get sick, linger in pain, go broke trying to stay alive and finally die an untimely, undignified death that drains their children of any prospects of having a better life. A better life than their insignificant parents hoped for them. That is the American way. The poor and sick will dutifully flock to the polls in 2016 and elect (or reelect) politicians promising to enact policies assuring they fill their proper roles. All will end well. The obvious choice for downtrodden proles everywhere would be to elect Rick Scott President.
The Lizardman shows us his “flexibility” by flipping his own flop.
Well, in fairness the medicaid expansion was going to cover “climate change” health impacts.
How many of those 800K will die early due to lack of timely medical care? How many families will be financially devastated by insurmountable medical bills? How does a heartless sociopathic prick like Rick Scott sleep at night?
And I bet you could find thousands of alleged Dems in FL who refused to vote for Crist because he’s a former Republican. There were many, many comments over at DK expressing that sentiment. Few things irritate me more than white “progressives” who don’t give a shit that their purity snits mean that many hundreds of thousands of low-income and minority citizens get screwed by the sociopath Republicans who get elected as a consequence.
Nader/Green Party voters in 2000, I’m looking at you.
To Republicans like Scott, that’s a feature, not a bug.
You can say “Intelligent Design” in Florida, but not climate change. Orwell kicked Rasputin’s ass on the “seeing the future” schtick.
Has anyone here looked into the rs app that’s now available in FL for your hand-helds? Yeah, if you carry it in your hand, it electrocutes you; if you answer it, a lizard’s tongue licks your cerebral cortex; if you set it down, it turns into a nail gun and fastens your finger to the location; and, lastly, when you go to pull up your pictures, you get the above picture and a really big F U.
no, actually, they won’t flock to the polls… and that is why this country is well underway to devolving to third world status. people don’t give a shit.
That’ll sorta put Jeb in a pickle.
i suspect scott sleeps quite well at night. easy to do when you have no conscience. besides, his true constiuency is very happy and thriving nicely…
i mean, hell, this man made his millions thru fraud, and still has been elected twice as governor of florida. things have worked out quite well for him…
The virulent hatred that these white Republican politicians have for Obama is so intense that they willingly harm the welfare of their own constituents simply to reject something that he proposed. It is truly astounding.
Um, no, they hate the “takers”. Takers are anyone standing in the way of a 1%-er becoming a .01%-er. For Republicans the economy and the government’s budget are a zero sum game. Every dollar given or loaned to a poor person is a dollar literally picked from a richer person’s pocket. Literally in every sense of the word. The GOP thinks the poor are stealing from the deserving. The deserving are accomplished, educated (or silver spoon/legacy lucky) conservatives. Blaming it on Obama is misdirection. It’s been going on since Pinkerton guards were hired as private militias to gun down union organizers in the late 1800s. The poor have been scorned for thousands of years by the fat & happy & clothed and warm. It’s their lot in life. The GOP honestly feels they’re merely maintaining the natural order of history.
Whatever gets them the most votes .
I still haven’t gotten over that this asshole (along with walker, brownback, le page, etc) got reelected in 2014.
GOTP HealthCare solution as decribed by Alan Grayson: