Discussion: Rick Perry Wants You To Know: 'Running For President Is Not An IQ Test'

Well that’s lucky, since he couldn’t pass the IQ test.


That’s it! I want Little Ricky to go straight to the head of the class!

Trying to lower expectations early. He peaked before he entered the race the last time he ran.


Here is small government TX style: Have government take your land for a highway, and then give it to a spanish company so they can charge you money to drive on it.


The next time I tell you someone from Texas should not be president of the United States, please, pay attention.

Signed, Molly Ivins


One of my greatest concerns for 2016, is that we will go from having one of the smartest Presidents in our history to one of the dumbest like Perry. He won’t win, but someone equally as empty-headed and STOOPID will represent their party…Worse yet, Republicans will sell that rotten can of dogfood-dumbshit like it was the fucking brain food…as if they were some master genius.


“… so choose me … chooooossssseeee meeeeeeee!!!”

I really don’t want to have to leave Texas; Houston specifically.
It’s a really good place to live.

But with the back-end-loaded aspects of Perry’s tenure as governor likely to bring ruination-by-property-tax–
in the form of a budget-deficit set to explode in the range of a $20B shortfall by 2024?
His negligence rises to criminal.

Might just have to pack it up and move it out.




“Running for the presidency’s not an IQ test,” Perry said in an interview with NBC News.

I wish I knew why there are so many people in America who are proud to be intellectually incurious, anti-intellectual, and even stupid, and why there are so many politicians eager to pander to them.

It really is a strange dynamic if you think about it, which I’m sure Perry doesn’t - because thinking.


“I want a President that I can identify with” – the 50% of Americans with intelligence below the median.

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CAn you say more about this?

OK … but could you at least pass a literacy test?

or for Perry, we can accept a flammability test.

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Late night comedians are doing the “happy dance”.


Football players in the draft ALL have to take the Wonderlic test. I’d like to see one for the POTUS candidates.

“Running for the presidency’s not an IQ test,”

Welp, he’s locked up the votes of those Americans who believe that Adam and Eve had vegetarian dinosaurs for neighbors in the Garden of Eden 5,000 years ago. You know, Republicans.

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Kind of suspect that we might have a Catch 22 situation -
If you are smart enough to do the job - you are smart enough not to want it!


Perry knows full well that’s he’s smarter than George W Bush. So why the hell can’t I be president? Perry wants to know. Fair question.



It’s a good thing it’s not because Perry couldn’t pass the test if it were.


I’m trying to find the second half of the equation that gives me the ‘$20B shortfall number’.
But the first half of it is in this document estimating the costs of NOT expanding Medicare in Texas (est $100B)-- and the date of the estimated shortfall is 2022 in this overview:


The corroborating part of the equation would be projected Texas state budgets through 2022-- just so you know where my calculation was derived.
My comment was from memory-- and probably read that-- a year or more ago.

All of which makes Rick Perry a really, really dumb MFer.


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