Discussion: Rick Perry: Official Unemployment Rate Has 'Been Doctored'

If anyone knows about how to cook the books, its Gov. Four Eyes… (as I type wearing my OTC reading glasses.)

Still not quite co-ordinating the messaging: Rico telling white folks the jobs numbers are lies all lies, white Mitch tells them eRpublicans deserve all the credit.

But I expect they’ll work all of this out by February 2017.

Does Jews for Jesus count?


What % of the Republican Jewish Coalition are Jews?

How come every time we learn of a Republican pol speaking to the RJC, that pol isn’t Jewish?

Is the % of the RJC made up of Sheldon Adelson toadies larger than, smaller than, or precisely the same as the % of Jews in the RJC?

Once you’ve sent an email or direct mail message to each and every person in the country you think is or might be Jewish and entitled to vote here that a vote for the incumbent Democratic president seeking reelection is a vote against the continuation of Israel as an entity (which the RJC did in 2012), then where else does the RJC have left to go?

Is that a riddle? Here’s another riddle.

How many Conservative Republican Jews does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None. “Change, what’s that? I never heard of such a thing.”

(Alternate) A: None. Because its an energy-efficient bulb. “Yeah, and because we voted against that too.”

Jew or Gentile, a conservative is a conservative is a conservative.
Thankfully there are fewer Seriously Conservative Jews out there than you might be led to believe.

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Sadly Perry knows that he will benefit from the media’s playing the false equivalency card on this. In a real media world, this would be hammered hard.

“It’s not clear what Perry is basing this comment on.”

Yes it is. It’s abundantly clear. He’s basing it on nothing. It’s nothing more than “omg reality is giving me feedback that I’m wrong and therefore I must fabricate rationalizations for my denial to explain it away.” He has NOTHING but his fervent, wild-eyed, delusional wish that reality be something other than what it is.


After the invocation by Rabbi John Paul Christianson.

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I was thinking he was talking to the staff at Sam’s deli in DesMoines while ordering a corned beef on rye with Swiss and whatever that 3rd condiment was

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Not enough ammunition in the galaxy.

“…a gathering of the Republican Jewish Coalition in Iowa.” Could all the Jewish Republicans in Iowa fill a 4-top at Denny’s?

“Sadly Perry.” I like that. New nickname?

Just one more clown for the car.


This is a perfect example of how the TeaBaggers have made it acceptable for Republican leaders to say the most insane things without fear of repercussions or even contradiction. I’ve seen RWNJ commenters say this, but now Perry feels free to assert it without proof, and without shame.