Discussion: Rick Perry: 'It's OK To Question' Gov't About Possible Military Takeover Of Texas

Discussion for article #236026

Ricky me boyo, stop hating the government and try to be a real patriot instead of a tin plated idiot.


Yet another republican asshat proving that they’re unable and unfit for office. Keep it up and there’ll be none left.


Dear Ricky, it’s also OK to question your own sanity about a possible military takeover of Texas. In fact, it’s the advisable first step before going further.


Like those glasses Rick…they may be your ticket to the White House.

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It is indeed OK…nay, your duty…to question your government. It’s just that, well, the government’s time is finite and precious, so we’d prefer you stop wasting its and everyone else’s time with the stupid questions.


Another timeless piece of political wisdom from a man who will never be President. And this phony Texas patriotism is REALLY beginning to piss off the rest of this country.

But it’s not OK to own a property called the “N!ggerhead Ranch.”


So you NEVER question the men and women in uniform? I’m sure he means civilian (police) and military. That’s dangerous!

These guys are such hypocritical assholes. Texas is poised to be yet another state to adopt the ALEC designed bill to prevent municipalities from banning fracking in their area.

So yeah, it’s all “You’re not going to tell ME what to do! But I sure as hell is gonna make YOU do what I tell you to.”


All this conspiracy talk has made me think about a more important question. I recently saw a TV show that made the claim that the missing transmissions from Apollo 11 were because they were talking about UFOs on the moon. Now I thought that the Apollo 11 landings were filmed on a sound stage.

So my question is which conspiracy am I supposed to believe in?

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I’d love to know what he thought of those of us questioning the idea of weapons of mass destruction. Oh wait–we were traitors, weren’t we?


Speaking as a veteran, YES you ABSOLUTELY CAN question the military. The men and women in uniform are fallible human beings just like the rest of us, and its leaders aren’t perfect. This sort of blind deference and military fetishism isn’t really helpful to anyone.

During the Cuban Missile Crisis the generals advised Kennedy to do a preemptive strike on Cuba, actually insisted. Kennedy asked what the Soviets would do and they were basically like “ummmmmm”


Actually, it’s OK to question what the civilian government might do and it’s also OK to question what the military might do. And it’s also O.K. to mercilessly ridicule those whose questioning is of the bat-shit crazy conspiratorial sort, and the same goes for those who shamelessly pander to the crazies.


God. It’s like a massive IQ test for Texas politicians. The 90% failure rate was entirely foreseeable.


Perry does not support the troops.

Texas costs the country enough with their sucking of tax dollars since they can’t provide for their own residents. Why should we go to the expense of taking it over, it would be more appropriate to evict them and repossess for non-payment.

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“I think it’s OK to question your government — I do it on a pretty regular basis,” Perry said.

When there’s Black, Democratic President in office, yessireee…

(otherwise, no, not really.)

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Granted, didn’t he say that you should question the civilian leadership, but never question the military, which is what this whole steaming pile of public outcry is about?

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I don’t want to take the state over. I want to build a wall around it to protect the rest of the country.