Discussion: Rick Perry Endorses Trump, Says He's Open To Being Vice President

Have you forgotten Little Marco?

@sandyh Cherries, a lemon, throw in an orange and we can bet on a slot machine and still get a better outcome.

All of this pandering from people like Perry and Christie just confirms the fact that Trump is the rich frat boy bully who the wannabes and losers cling to. They are like him but they donā€™t have his $$$ so they will suck up in hopes of having some of it rain down on them. This is beginning to feel like Lord of the Flies.


Sorry, Rick: If you want to suck Trumpā€™s hind tit, you will have to get in line behind Sean Hannity.

It was intended as snark but you have a point.

trumpf, the guy who bragged repeatedly heā€™s ā€œself fundingā€ his campaign, has found himself his own oligarch, Steve Mnuchin, whoā€™s just as corrupt as any of the others.

Donald Trump has slammed Washington insiders, lobbyists, and Wall Street as he has tapped populist anger to snag the Republican presidential nomination. Yet when it came time to pick the top money man for his campaign, he turned to a hedge-funder best known for running a bank that made billions off taxpayer bailouts and, by one account, cost the federal government $13 billion


Weā€™ve talked here about who HRC might pick for VP and the name Julian Castro of Texas who is HUD Secretary keeps coming up. I donā€™t think trumpf will pick Perry, but if so, weā€™d have a chance to promote a progressive Texan versus one with Perryā€™s record in that same spot.


ā€œSauron has some great ideas for Middle Earth. Iā€™d be honored to be his right hand advisor.ā€

  • Saruman

Weā€™re gonna have a strategy and itā€™ll be the best strategy. Everybodyā€™s gonna love my strategy.

Oh, Please, Please, Puh-leeeeezā€¦

So, the ticket would be Dumb and Dumber. Photoshopped movie poster neededā€¦

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry Ā® on Thursday endorsed Donald Trump and left the door open to becoming the Republican vice presidential nominee.

CharlieE is also open to being Trumpā€™s vice president, but he still wonā€™t endorse the man. Take it or leave it, Donald.

It hurts me to say this, but Donald Trump is too smart (ouch!) to pick Rick Perry as his Vice Presidential running mate!

Oh good. Double down on stupid. Great tactic Rick.


Trust me, you will NEVER hear those points made EVER againā€¦ANYWHERE!

I, too, find it confusing that Hillary is so disliked (supposedly)and mistrusted, but I like Sullivanā€™s take on that in his recent article in the New Yorker (May 2) about our country being ripe for tyranny. In the end of the article, if I interpret it correctly, Hillary represents compromise and decency and the country of Trump followers just are not in the mood to compromise. They are so into getting their way and they think they finally have the chance to punish the Establishments and just straighten them out!ā€“both Democrats and Republicansā€“that thatā€™s why they dislike her. She represents peace and calm and the extreme right wants something done yesterday. They want it fixed right now and are actually disengaging and disconnecting from the conversation. This is what the Republicans are missingā€“Trump followers lack empathy and are not in the mood to be civil. They have fat thick skulls. The more you belittle, criticize, and judge them, the more they dig in to their position. Studies show that this is human nature time and time again. This is why Hillary cannot punch back without great thought. It is one big Trump temper tantrum and for Hillary to come along and motherly try to nurture and soothe things, they see it as interfering, weak, and not to be trusted. This is why Hillary should not sit back and the Democrats need to get out their vote and not stay home to sit on their hands and watch it all float by.

Perry is on the list now, too: Flip flopper, brown nose, opportunist, lacks integrity, no spine, poorly educated, good old boys network, Texas oil, a real @#$% kicker.

Does he mean like the way Obama surrounded himself with capable, experienced people?

That was serious, not snark.

Oh my fucking god, trump president and perry viceā€¦there isnā€™t a godā€¦just a devil or some other powerful source of evil!