Discussion: RICK GATES PLEADS GUILTY: Former Trump Campaign Aide To Cooperate With Mueller


It’s showtime, Maestro Mueller…


I posted this on another thread, so my apologies . . . . Pete Williams (legal analyst on MSNBC) just said that the two crimes Gates is pleading guilty to carry a maximum sentence of 5 years each (with the actual sentence likely to be much less). Williams said that, since the crimes Gates was originally charged with carried much longer sentences, he must have offered Mueller good stuff to end up with this deal. Hope the White House has a nice Friday afternoon contemplating this!


Trump tweet:


This makes up for that repulsive Nazi rally that featured Trump as speaker.

Unbelievable, unAmerican crap coming from a POTUS. Get them all out of here!


So, a superseding information is filed in the DC district court that’s essentially identical to the indictment filed in the EDVa yesterday precatory to the guilty plea. Which means it was, in fact, Manafort who wouldn’t waive venue and that the negotiations with Gates were in, in fact, in the final stages even as it was filed.

Edit: No, not identical at all. Just the counts Mueller is letting him plead to.

And boy, everybody is buzzing about that second count.



Yes that’s what Abramson was suggesting yesterday. The false report about Green being fired confused everything.


Don’t get me wrong. I have the highest respect for what Mueller and his team are doing and I rejoice at every conviction in the election vote tally rigging and Russian treason scandal.

I am also frustrated. I am tired of traitors like Gates getting away easy on plea deals because it seems to be the only means to reach the high echelons of thugs and traitors.

I don’t think that the press, police, judges care whether a drug dealer, a petty criminal or a traffic ticket defendant has four small children. If you have children and care about some of them don’t do the crime.

These are folks who have been complicit in the poisoning of Viktor Yuschenko, the torture of Yulia Tymoshenko, the rape and pillage of Ukraine not to mention the entire gamut of financial crimes. I hope that the banks follow through on the fraud and forgery, the states follow through on the money laundering and IRS on the tax evasion. Also extradite them to Ukraine with due process.

Letting criminals and traitors get away easy affects the confidence in our justice system. Manafort and Gates should have been caught and jailed for their crimes 10 years ago.


More like:

"This Rick Gates guy, a total loser, had nothing to do with me or my campaign - a historic electoral college victory. He worked with sleazy Paul ManaFART and did a lot of terrible stuff!

This plea deal totally vindicates Trump! #MAGA!"


This just proves there’s no collusion…


I think Bob Marley said it best, “I shot the sheriff, but I didn’t shoot no deputy.” Though it pains one’s sense of fairness, certain sacrifices have to be made in order for justice in the highest sense to be served. You have to do everything to nail the people at the top.


Yeah I know.
Just didn’t feel like or want to type the same stuff over and over again. lol

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I have learned to anticipate Fridays with particular relish - Mueller seems to drop his biggest bombs on Fridays.

I can’t help but feel things are speeding up…


I have no faith that anyone in the top is going to be nailed.

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Only 19 indictments and 5 guilty pleas so far. The Russia investigation is a hoax! Fake news!


“Manafort emailed Gates a .pdf version of the real 2016 DMI P&L, which showed a loss of more than $600,000,” the indictment claims. “Gates converted that .pdf into a Word document so that it could be edited, which Gates sent back to Manafort. Manafort altered the Word document by adding more than $3.5 million in income.”

Then, according to the indictment, Manafort “sent this falsified P&L to Gates and asked that the Word document be converted back to a .pdf, which Gates did and returned to Manafort.”

By sending these documents back and forth by email, Manafort and Gates made it easy for prosecutors to pinpoint exactly who changed the documents and when.


Who cares? This is not a question of faith.


Prime Minister Turnbull just gave a few remarks sitting with Trump and the wives. As soon as he finished, the press started yelling questions about Gates. Trump cut them all off, saying “Thank you very much.”

More questions.

“Thank you very much.”

He did not look happy. Going to be interesting to see what he does at the joint press conference later.


So… If I understand this correctly, Mr. Gates has claimed he’s pleading guilty because fighting the charges would create a circus-like atmosphere, and be hard on his children. One wonders, I mean one is forced to wonder how an innocent man, pleading guilty to things he didn’t do, to avoid the cost and embarrassment of a trial, manages to provide a prosecutor anything of value. I mean to ask: if no crimes were committed, how can he help the prosecution? By lying?

I’m given to understand that in Federal Court a suspect pleading guilty to a felony offense has to explain to the Judge that he’s pleading guilty because he did, in fact, commit the crimes he’s pleading guilty to. There’s no waffling, no weaseling, no changing your mind later.

Mueller, for running a nothing burger investigation, sure does seem to have collected a number of trophy confessions and cooperating witnesses.