This is why we can’t have nice things.
This is why those small, “unimportant “ races are so, so critical. Not just the national offices. Precinct captains, justices of the peace, party chairs, etc. The GOP used to have a liberal wing. Just sayin’.
Sure in the general, but in the primary the party shouldn’t be endorsing the anti-women candidate over the pro-women candidate barring some seriously epic level baggage on the pro-women candidates part.
People should be un-registering as Dems in RI right now. Fuck them. Send a message.
The article does not explain anywhere why the Rhode Island Democratic Party not only endorsed a Republican over an incumbent Democratic State Representative, it also failed to endorse her when it rescinded its’ endorsement of the Republican. What is the reasoning behind this? What did Representative Moira Walsh do or not do to be shunned by the State Party? This is a significant point that this post fails to address.
I would say the party not endorsing the incumbent requires a quite a bit of explaining in all cases.
Maybe he really has seen the light, and we have, what, six month’s record of his newfound faith? A wolf can throw on a curly wig but we call him a sheep at our peril.
I thought that went without saying. Apparently not.
Well, yes, but that wasn’t my point.
There is a case to be made that, in general, a Party shouldn’t be endorsing anyone in the primary without a strong reason to oppose a candidate (say they are an avowed Illinois Nazi), but this endorsement-unendorsement-nonendorsement is showing they haven’t figured out that change is here and it’s time for them to adapt or be supplanted.
Rhode Island still seems Mafia-controlled to me.
Something tells me half of Rhode Island knows damn good and well why/how this happened. And I’ll bet it was something personal between Rep McNamara/Speaker Mattiello and Ms Walsh, or a favor was owed to the former Republican.
God, I’m cynical.
“…endorsing a Donald Trump-voting male candidate over an incumbent woman…”
Seriously? Wtf is wrong with these people?
Erik Loomis at LGM, who lives in Rhode Island, had a great piece on this a few days ago. The RI Dem Party has no repug competition and is thoroughly corrupt. Their real problem with Walsh is that she called out the legislature for being a drunken frat house.
Well seeing as how the Rhode Island Democratic establishment just did that and only reversed course when taken to task over it, yeah apparently it needs saying.
I completely agree w/ your (cynical?) hunch and am a little disappointed that no one’s been willing or able–so far–to shed any light on this mystery.
Ah, thanks for that–yeah, I’m leaning even more her way, now!
Not to call out RI or anything, but I live in fucking Jokelahoma–I’m counting on blue states to be as BLUE as they can be! There’s damn sure no limit on the knuckle-dragging around here from the multitudes of red-state partisans.
Generally when there is an open seat the Party will often not take sides in a primary. However in this instance Moira Walsh was the incumbent seeking re-election. I am not a resident of RI and know nothing about Ms. Walsh. To oppose the incumbent, especially for a Republican seems too out of the ordinary not to require some explanation which the article never provides.
Is Joookelahoma where the wind comes rustling through the ears?