Let me guess, the Rhode Island Democratic Party is comprised of white male dinosaurs?
The endorsement of Earnheart was one of several that drew criticism, including support for a candidate with a criminal record that includes vehicular homicide and for another who is charged with perjury and who was previously charged with sexual assault.
Ok, I don’t get it. I mean, I try to be a pragmatist as much as possible (without getting contorted in 10 different positions) but this is beyond the pale. Endorsing this guy was 10 different kinds of wrong. EVEN IF the RI Dem. party didn’t like Walsh for whatever reason, endorsing Earnheart initially was political suicide. In addition to Walsh being the incumbent already and in a district that Clinton won, - this is mind boggling political malpractice.
Rhode Island has a long reputation of being a thoroughly corrupt old white guys club. Are they out from under the Mob now?
Yes, but they are all “Real” Democrats…
They tried to rat-fuck a DINO into the nomination and got caught. Needs to happen EVERY SINGLE TIME. #EternalVigilance
The party on Thursday rescinded the endorsement of the candidate with the vehicular homicide record
There. All better.
Obviously Democratic House Speaker Nicholas Mattiello needs to be replaced and replaced soon.
Tell that to the voters who put him in office. I’m sure they’ll be interested to know your take on the matter.
He is supposed to be a democrat. That means he should be pro-woman. We don’t need any democratic leaders who are anti-woman. That is the Republican position.
OK, I’ll bite–what was their argument for what Rep. Walsh had done that was considered wrong?
I don’t know enough (yet) to pick a side (I’m certainly leaning toward Walsh), but I know to go against an incumbent of one’s own party, the bar (at least for Dems) is pretty high.
That’s DINOsaurs, sir.
Wait for new book: “What’s the Matter With Rhode Island?”
If there’s no pro-woman('s rights) Democrat on the ballot, I’m going to vote for the not-pro-woman candidate who’s running as a Democrat.
It appears to me, repubs in RI are perpetrating themselves as Democrats. How could that be?
Pretty much
What were they thinking?
[quote=“sickneffintired, post:16, topic:74405”][quote=“maximus, post:2, topic:74405, full:true”]
Let me guess, the Rhode Island Democratic Party is comprised of white male dinosaurs?
Pretty much
RI Dems pledge: “I’ll vote for Hillary, if I have to, I guess.”
OK, but you really need to make sure your party nominates pro-woman’s rights candidates. At the very least your local party shouldn’t endorse some DINO to run against a woman incumbent.
And the endorsement was hand-written onto the list by Rep McNamara himself. They didn’t even try to hide it.