Franklin Graham seems fueled by hatred, paranoia, and suspicion. He is soiling the Graham name and should repent.
He can’t be a very good Muslim considering that he has been bombing the hell out of ISIS for the past eight months.
The author of this article should have written the word “hesitancy” in quotes. After all, it’s Franklin’s misinformed thinking that points to an imagined “hesitancy” on Pres Obama’s part. Three thousand air missions against ISIS doesn’t equate “hesitancy” in most Americans’ minds. The way the first sentence reads implies there HAS BEEN some “hesitancy” from the President in fighting ISIS. This type of writing supports the bogus claim of Franklin that the President’s hasn’t done much and that Franklin is just mistaken in his reasoning for Obama’s imaginary inaction. Every single claim Franklin made was wrong. EVERY SINGLE ONE!
Franklin Graham is a pus-filled boil on the ass of humanity.
He is technically wrong. A Muslim man can marry a non-Muslim woman and she need not convert. A Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim man because he would dominate her.
I think that the reverend got dropped on his head when he came out of his mom’s womb. Just saying.
I don’t mind Franklin Graham spouting his crass garbage thinking and trotting out his racial bigotry and general prejudices against other religiotic sects. I think he’s performing a weirdly useful volunteer service.
I’m not saying one way or the other on whether you actually meant to raise this, but it seems to me that looking at and considering what’s done and said by the sons of famous moralizers and politicos – like Franklin to Billy Graham, Garner Ted to Herbert W. Armstrong, Evan to Birch Bayh, the Bush bunch and the Kennedy clan, Randy Paul to Ron Paul, Mittens to George (or Jorge) Romney – to the extent each of is a cartoon chasing after his father’s approval while at the same time trying to outwrestle his father’s shadow, can help inform us about the goofiness and grifting behind the peculiar sect shared by son and father, father and son.
And not just only existence of his respective father’s con and how his particular grift worked, but about familial generational grifts in general, e.g. inherited titles, monarchies, dictatorships etc.
It makes me think one reason the Jesus movement got so big and lasted so long is, like with its cousin the Muhamet movement, the lack of a son to pick up the family grift. No son to head back up the pulpit to keep on yakking and yakking and doing stupid human things until we can all see not just the clay feet and sins of the son, but of the father as well, and from that point it’s just a matter of time until the movement loses all benefit of the doubt with some and at least some with everyone, and is consigned to history as just another weirdo cult.
For cult preservation purposes, seems to me in each case the father’s ambitions for his goofball movement would have been better served by leaving behind only daughters.
RE: “President Obama’s hesitancy to fight the Islamic State terror group”
Article should say, “President Obama’s SUPPOSED hesitancy to fight the Islamic State terror group”
I guess this proves the old adage: “The shit doesn’t fall far from the asshole.”
Old man Billy was caught on the Nixon tapes spitting out his venomous hatred of Jews.
Looks like the son is every bit the liar and bigot that his phony biblebetaing fraud of a father is!
Far rightie ‘birther’ and nepotistic loon Franklin Graham proves, over and over again, and each time he opens his piehole that man created God or gods in HIS own image…sexist, homophobic, intolerant, vengeful and ignorant. He’s a disgrace to American politics and religion.
And BTW, Franklin loved his parents SO much… he put them in an off-the-road sideshow themepark in NC alongside audioanimatronic talking cows and souvenir gift shops, and, in his mother’s case, against her expressed wishes. He even consulted with Walt Disney imagineers’ to bring in the crowds to his freakish sideshow. So much for that “Honor thy Father and thy Mother…” thingy, huh Franklin? What a grifting, money grubbing embarrassment Graham is…the perfect “theologian” for FOX and its mindless pinhead dittobots.
Washington Post article is a good read on this greed-filled shyster ‘preacher’.
Excerpt from the article: Author Patricia Cornwall, asked to speak to Billy & Ruth Graham by another of their sons had this to tell the aged couple:
[“I was horrified by what I saw,” she tells Billy, in the presence of a reporter invited to be there.
The building, designed in part by consultants who used to work for the
Walt Disney Co., is not a library, she says, but a large barn and silo
– a reminder of Billy Graham’s early childhood on a dairy farm near
Charlotte. Once it’s completed in the spring, visitors will pass through
a 40-foot-high glass entry cut in the shape of a cross and be greeted
by a mechanical talking cow. They will follow a path of straw through
rooms full of multimedia exhibits. At the end of the tour, they will be
pointed toward a stone walk, also in the shape of a cross, that leads to
a garden where the bodies of Billy and Ruth Graham could lie.
Throughout the tour, there will be several opportunities for people to put their names on a mailing list.
“The whole purpose of this evangelistic experience is fundraising,”
Cornwell says to Billy Graham. “I know who you are and you are not that
place. It’s a mockery. People are going to laugh. Please don’t be buried
Billy Graham’s eyes never leave Cornwell’s face as she talks. Ruth Graham sighs. A lot.
“It’s a circus,” Ruth says at one point, softly. “A tourist attraction.”]
And, despite the outcry, Franklin Graham followed through with his plans and, after her death, put his Mother in his for-profit freakshow and has the space already for his Father.
The George W. Bush of televangelism speaks.
I can’t say this for certain, but I heard this once and just wanted to pass it on because, well, you know, it’s good to pass things along when you hear something from someone, and it’s just makes you wonder about what’s going on, and it makes you think that something might not be quite right those people, and isn’t it odd that this kind of thing happen and that it could be a sign of something ELSE going on because so many scary things are happening, you know, and SOMETHING must be to blame for the lack of MORAL FIBER that runs their some peoples veins, and that even though I don’t know for CERTAIN, I think it’s really, really, really likely that something is going on, and…oh…by the way…the President is a ni-CLANG.
Here’s a transcript of a conversation Billy Graham Cracker had with Tricky Dick. Note the Antisemitism that oozes out of Billy Graham Cracker’s mouth!
The right wing gets the demagogues it deserves, my friend.
Stealing that graphic.
“Thou shalt not bear false witness…”
Aha! So he IS an atheist socialist muslim. Also, his mother smelt of elderberries.
And turned me into a newt…