For some reason, I would be exceedingly interested to hear Scott Brown’s take on this.
White people are so oppressed. They can’t even call this President a N***** without sombody calling them racist.
Isn’t this redneck supposed to be one of those 30 million descending on Washington DC today to overthrow the entire Government?
Better get cracking, Skippy. Those hand-made signs aren’t going to misspell themselves.
Hey, at least this guy didn’t say “I’m not a racist.” He knows exactly what he is and he’s proud of it. A typical hero of movement conservatism.
I do!!!
I’'ll meet your claim…
…and I’ll raise you a proper outcome chelsea!
Both should have met a nasty fate a long time ago.
That’s President N****r to you, motherfucker.
Yes, it is an elected position, which is why the other elected officials are unable to fire the prick.
NH-to-DC is a looooooooooooong way to travel on a Rascal™
Always remember, folks: Geography has nothing to do with anything. There are dumb-ass rednecks EVERYWHERE.
I’m thinking “crickets.”
The guy is 82. Been a racist for 8 decades. Why the hell would he apologize now? Just get him the hell out of office and let him rot away the rest of his life cutting holes in his bedsheets.
I see a TEA Party senatorial campaign in the making here, look out Scott Brown …
Okay, does this count as the moment the ni*CLANG! Event Horizon was crossed, or not? He’s a minor official, but he’s also unrepentant.
Geez, who knew it would end up being all fuzzy, like trying to figure out whether Voyager had left the Solar System or whether the Higgs Bosun had been discovered?
Careful, or you might have to apologize for the “D” word : )
I’m sure some Republican congressman will invite him to the next State of the Union speech as his guest.
It’s all written on his face. All you have to do is read it.
Cracker and hater come to mind.
Of course he did. Copeland is a Teabagger and he has the core convictions of a Teabagger, namely that ‘liberals’ and ‘Democrats’ are cowards at heart and will back down if you stubbornly refuse to apologize.
When he’s proven wrong and they DON’T back down, Copeland will go into the SECOND Teabagger mode. Instead of humbly apologizing for saying a dumbass thing, he will blame the press for ‘picking’ on him because he’s a ‘Christian.’
He does this because–like all Teabaggers, he sees the world like THIS:
Welp, time to start looking at every arrest/case he was involved in.