Discussion for article #235952
The deputy probably thought the truck was involved in the military takeover of Texas.
A good guy with a gun could have stopped this. Right now. Where the hell was he?
Good to see that despite the Garland incident, the Lone Star State folks are getting back to their normal daily activities.
You shoot 6 rounds of 9mm into a vehicle and you will NOT be released on 50K bond.
Texas shining up cops medal as we read.
If the deputy was mentally nimble, he would be peddling a story about a truckload of FEMA body bags.
He’d be a wingnut hero and have $2.5 million in his legal defense fund within a week.
So “reserve” must be police lingo for Instructors At Police Academy Had Reservations About Him.
Reserve Deputy? I didn’t know that San Marcos and Tulsa were Sister Cities.
Jade Helm wackos, Muhammad cartoon, now road rage. Texas ?? Good grief folks, get a grip.
They took his tricked out Ford 150 as collateral for the bond. It’s a 1994 model, should be okay, right?
…lotsa places he can get work…
Baltimore (they’re short 6 cops)
Tulsa…where he can tootle off to the Caribbean for r/r.