Discussion: Republicans Throw Support Behind Letting Fiorina In The Next GOP Debate

That damn vast right-wing conspiracy again, eh?

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If Fiorina’s first name were ‘Carl’, he would have dropped out by now, and it not, they wouldn’t let him within a mile of the 1st tier stage.

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She’s already chosen this outift.


I find her kind of despicable, but I also find no rational reason she shouldn’t be on the main stage. Either have top 4 and bottom 4 debate, or let them all in. Not like she’ll get much time anyway. No one will mention her.

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How about they just remove Christie and Kasich from the main event instead.

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What’s the point of including Carly Fiorina in more debates? The only gain goes to fact-checkers.


I really don’t think that’s the main driver here. The national poll driven divide between the main stage and “kiddie” stage was a horrible idea to begin with, but its served its purpose. The field has been winnowed out now and there are only 8 candidates left. They have had as many as 11 people on the main stage before, and 8 is the minimum. And there is nobody left for the kiddie table except her. So barring her doing a bad Eastwood impersonation and debating an empty chair, she won’t get any more debate time.

She is gone along with a slew of others, right after NH. So give her one more night.


Yes, please! And also put the entire cast and musicians of the Broadway production of “Hamilton” on the same stage so we don’t have to look at or listen to this lying piece of shit, or any of the other lying pieces of shit that show up to any Republican event.

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After Fiorina told lies about Planned Parenthood and refused to apologize she lost any right to be a viable candidate.


Hey, Mittens! You should have had Ann run. She could have gone up on stage and talked about how she felt the economic pain of the American middle class, all while wearing her $900 hand-painted T-shirt from Barney’s of New York.

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Hey, if there wasn’t any lying, how could there ever be a Republican debate?


Why aren’t Mitt & Newt making the same plea for Rand Paul or Rick Santorum?


Not glitter - STARBURSTS! (H/T: Rich Lowry)

Because Rand Paul and Rick Santorum?


Let us indeed put her on the stage. We need to keep her campaign alive so we can harvest its brain.


Silly you - they don’t need any more white males up there.


Actually the R party would love to have her onstage after the debate to clean up after the men-folk.


Old Chinese riddle: What is the sound of no hands clapping?

Cruz does not molest children, unless you count assaulting his daughters and also pimping them out in a creepy campaign ad.