The best comment I have heard about the Republican Stealthcare plan…
The best comment I have heard about the Republican Stealthcare plan…
They were all on fire.
Maybe they will get so confused that they repeal their own gold-plated Congressional healthcare plan, One can hope.
This bill is so screwed up, and the Rethugliklans so eagerly bolting for the exits, that it sounds like a pretty foolproof way of rubbing their (and especially POtuS’) noses in it.
I just don’t see it backfiring.
Yes, very much like playing with matches in a fireworks factory. What could possibly go wrong?
Or perhaps it’s more like deciding whether to kill a rattlesnake before it can bite you or letting it bite you to see if you are immune to the venom.
As a rule of thumb, never let Republicans get close enough to winning a vote that they can steal it.
Can you imagine this bunch planning the Normandy invasion? We deserve a lot better than the crap that passes as conservative solutions these days. It’s like there is no will to live any longer in Christian Wrong America.
Many things in life need a quote from “Cool Hand Luke.” This needs two:
Quotes from “Forrest Gump” seem more appropriate or maybe “Of Mice and Men.” I’m not going to waste them on this administration though.
Meanwhile, the last Democrat to have a Presidential Election stolen from him by Republicans called for single-payer healthcare yesterday:
"The private sector has not shown any ability to provide good, affordable health care for all,” Gore told a packed auditorium at Borough of Manhattan Community College. “I believe we ought to have single-payer health care.”
Al Gore is a unicorn-seeking Berniebro purist, amiright?
They remind me of the dog that caught the car and couldn’t figure out what to do with it.
They’re choking on the tires.
Quotes from “Forrest Gump” seem more appropriate or maybe “Of Mice and Men.” I’m not going to waste them on this administration though.
Personally, I think “Pulp Fiction”, “Get Shorty”, and “The Big Lebowski” are more apropos of this administration, but I share your reluctance to waste perfectly good cultural currency on them.
No third rail there to touch, but if any R’s really wanna, we got lots here in NYC. Bring your friends!
Will the McConnell repeal bill get 40 votes? That is the real question.
Obamacare = Titanic
GOP = Iceberg
If we are lucky, it will turn out to be the other way around.
If we are lucky, it will turn out to be the other way around.
I picture the Senate Republicans clustered on the deck singing “Nearer My God to Thee” as the GOPtanic slides beneath the waves. Meanwhile, Collins, Murkowski, and Capito pull away to safety in a lifeboat that Trump failed to smash.
So, Cor-Cor, will you go back on Fox and Friends, then CNN, then MSNBC tomorrow and explain why the Great Dealmaker didn’t close the deal? Then, repeat those appearances next week when he still hasn’t closed the deal?
I await to see one of them just drop pretense and go “Look, a flying saucer!” before hiding behind a fire hydrant
Keep diggin’, boys…
And they still keep framing it almost entirely in terms of whether they get a win or not. I know that’s the only framing they have with such crap, but still. Republicans play with millions of lives because they can’t decide who among them pretends to be more macho.
Al Gore is a unicorn-seeking Berniebro purist, amiright?
That little bit of stupidity gets a weapons-grade eye-roll.
“Democrats have to admit that some of the things that they voted for in the ACA are broken and need to be fixed.”
This happened pretty much the day after it was passed. But hey, BothSidesDoIt.