Well Mitchie has been playing this game for so long I don’t think he knows the difference between lying and the facts, it’s all PR for 24/7/365.
So the turtle said " I share the frustration and believe that enacting the agenda the American people voted for last November". Lets see the Dem candidate for pres got three million more votes than the Repub and the Dems picked up seats in both houses of congress. Looks to me like Mitch is a wee bit confused about whose agenda the American people actually voted for.
Oh good. Ted Cruz will now seem like the sane one in the Senate.
Article I, Section 5 of the United States Constitution which states that, "Each House shall be the judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members.
Hasn’t been tested in years but the Senate has in the past refused to seat certain victors.
May Be Crazier ?
This guy opened a whole new wing of the party beyond Batshit Crazy.
This is going to be one memorable race .
It will be a delight watching Republicans trying to mansplain’ the pronouncements of this Neanderthals Christian Taliban interpretation of the world.
They already nailed him on Morning Joe playing a delightful clip from a few months ago of a radio interviewer asking about DACA . He didn’t have a clue what it was . The guy had to explain it
What’s the weather like on your planet Roy?
Todd Akin was just ignorant. Roy Moore is certifiably crazy.
There is crazy on purpose like Todd Akin and there is really crazy like Trump. Moore covers both bases. Do you think any of the Nazis in Germany could have been more crazy? Before Steve Bannon and the Russians get done with manipulating the Republican Party, every GOP senator will make Moore look downright sane.
Trump was the beginning and America goes downhill from here.
Republicans are too terrified of crossing their base.
That’s it in a simple sentence.
Any GOPer that might possibly dream of being taken seriously has only one choice:
embrace the hypocrisy that has become the foundation of the Republican party -
thus forfeiting any chance of being taken seriously.
Congressional Republicans are afraid of everything. They know they crossed the line on so many issues as well as letting the NeoNazi take over their party. Honestly, I think they are just plain too stupid to know how to fix it.That’s why so many are quitting.
Voters need to relieve them of their problem by sending them home to squarely face the terror residing within their GOP state legislatures and governor’s mansions. Kansas isn’t the only state that has been hurt by their Conservative Movement radicals.
Giving into fascists is the worst sort of crazy.
Should be their foreheads.
Normally I would agree, but a reporter asked him about his opinion on “dreamers,” which resulted only in a blank stare. Then the reporter rephrased it to ask about DACA. Moore said basically, if you tell me what it is, I’ll tell you what I think about it. So maybe showing his profound ignorance would actually help tar the GOP for what they are.
See this is how it starts, elect an obnoxious braggart to the Senate and give him press. Then all other candidates that follow have to up their game in the obnoxious braggart department.
He may be crazier than Akin, but so is the Alabama electorate.
Not sure a “Legitimate” type remark could even save us.
I really think it’s tattooed across their foreheads!
It’s insane the way we have had to keep dropping the floor on our standards, isn’t it. We’ve gone through the basement and are heading to the earth’s core now.
Yes. That is the key point.
What other choice did they have? It wasn’t like they were going to support the dem. I hope the dems actually try to help the guy Moore running against he might actually have a shot
I read somewhere (can’t remember where of course) that 14% voted in yesterday’s primary. If that’s the case, why isn’t it more publicized. Seems about right to me …
Oh I am in love with Cruz already, Cornyn too! I am so excited
That is encouraging if true