Discussion: Republicans Gleeful Over Secured Tax Bill Votes: 'This Is Happening'

I wish Paul Ryan knew that Ayn Rand wrote a novel, and when she was older, she took Social Security and every government entitlement she could get.

Actually The Farm Bill is the worst kind of Socialism and should be eliminated. Graft, waste and wingnut welfare is all it is. I hope Trump fucks over the heartlanders who love him and ends it.

Why is the DNC unable to educate slugs SIMPLY, in slug language, that Republicans are committed to make Corporate more powerful than the U.S. government.
And what happens when this occurs.
The Republicans have effectively brainwashed slugs to believe that our (former) democracy is bad.
I remember Koch backed commercials with Uncle Sam portrayed as a demon.
Not a word from the democrats to remind slugs that their forefathers fought and died for that very Uncle Sam.

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Glad to see Kos can do something besides bully democrats who don’t fall in lockstep with their myopic POV.

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The majority of US debt is held by Americans and the Federal Reserve.


O yes - the GOP are dancing at the Masque of the Red Death.

I"m enjoying this while everybody else is freaking out.

Most of it won’t come to pass - we’ll change it. But it’s going to dance us right into office.


Where are their Christian values

Republicans embody true Christian values in the same way that prostitutes exemplify chastity.

We should never forget how Reagan’s backers paid off the Iranians to hang onto the embassy hostages.

with some used toilet paper in it.

trumPP honors loyalty above all else. Signing on to this abomination at the finish line is a display of Liddle Corker’s loyalty. It’ll still be a State Dept. run by trumPP according to whatever mood he’s in on any given day.

Donald Trump And GOP Leaders Could Be Enriched By Last Minute Tax Break Inserted Into Final Bill

The reason is that it subjects more income to tax. It eliminates personal exemptions, it eliminates most itemized deductions, it limits to eliminates the ability to shield capital gains from real estate sales from taxes, it eliminates the ability to deduct interest from loans secured by one’s home (a major asset).

And what the Republicans don’t realize or don’t care about is that this massive theft of money from the middle class is going to put the brakes on consumer spending, which is the engine of our economy. It’s been the case for many months that mall vacancies are extremely high, and that’s because there simply isn’t the demand to sustain all the stores that have closed. The notion that the economy is percolating nicely with near-full employment is a fucking mirage, because wages have been so stagnant for over three decades while the costs of basic necessities have continued to rise steadily.

Just wait until all these middle-class homeowners who voted for Trump get their taxes done in a couple of years. They’re going to shit their pants, and the Dems had better start framing the narratives and getting their messaging in place now, because sure as shit Trump and the Republicans will try to blame the Democrats.

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I can’t read anymore than this.

Individual mandate penalty for not having health insurance is eliminated starting 2019. This provision, estimated to save over $300 billion, would severely weaken the Affordable Care Act.

This is for donnie, his spawn and other billionaires:

Estate tax: Top rate of 40% on estates above $5.6 million Increases threshold to estates above $11.2 million


And now we have an idea of what sweetened the deal for Corker: a tax break on his real estate holdings.

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Yes, just saying they will use the debt as a excuse to cut programs.

They will find that hard to do from the minority

We’re taking Congress back.

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This is happening. So is the rising of the people to throw your disgusting ass out of power come the 2018 elections. From Senate all the way down to dog catcher.

This was the same guy that said he wouldn’t run for reelection in the Senate if he didnt win the GOP primary. Hes an absolute phony with no moral power, strength or courage. He’s a weak punk who goes with the wind. trump was right when he suggested Marco would come around and is loyal. Or in other words obedient.

Repubs are happy to get something done before the 2018 elections. Unfortunately the damage is pretty much done. If by chance we take Senate we can only hope to stop trump by taking over Committees and denying him judge seats. The real work will be getting him the fuck out in 2020.

I think the trigger for the next black swan market event will be rampant corruption in the markets, boardrooms,

You’re probably right. My brother work on WS during the Michael Milken junk bond scandal, the greenmail grifting and hostile takeover shakedowns. He said the same thing; greed; grifting and rampant violations of securities laws, which resulted in jail time for a few. Maybe, one day, we’ll actually get to see someone in the securities racket go to jail too.

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