“I thought it was against the law to disseminate classified information,” Gowdy said. “Is it?”
As if this has never happened before.
“I thought it was against the law to disseminate classified information,” Gowdy said. “Is it?”
As if this has never happened before.
Well, acting AG Sally Yates did tell trump privately about the Flynn phone calls and his lying about it. Only when nothing was done did someone leak the information to the press.
The conservatives were trying so hard to keep a lid on things by engaging in conspiracy theories, and impugning the reputations of former members of The Obama Administration,but they failed miserably
Is a Trump Ship of State with that many leaks worth trying to save?
The GOP needs to assess if they really need Donald any longer now that Whitey is firmly in position as VP. The election is over. Donald is collateral damage at best.
He and his tweets have become a worldwide embarrassment to the nation and have pissed off our closest allies. Someone who can’t seem to explain why he still wants to do the bidding of a foreign government that bullies and invades other countries isn’t going to increase the stock of the Republican Party.
What drips from Trump’s mouth is the problem. He really likes Putin and his fascist style of government.
“Somebody could always be pretending to be something they’re not."said Comey as he stared pointedly at "Representative Wenstrup…
Meanwhile the rest of the gopers urinated, er, ruminated, on the disclosures while Gowdy excused himself saying “I have to go take a leak.”
The best GOP conspiracy theory is that of Trump being this great business success.
He’s been in bankruptcy at least four times and primarily lives off his inheritance. He’s survived by “dealing” with people worse than himself like the Russian Mafia and cheating small businessmen who do the real work on his building developments.
I disagree with the Republicans, look over there at the squirrel defense. They should move aggressively to deal with the Russia, Campaign connections. Remember its always the cover-up and not the crime that gets you.
I’d say it’s criminal, but it’s likely easer to vote them out than to get them into prison. They’re not just failing to defend the constitution as their oath requires, they’re failing to defend the country and their constituents against a foreign threat that every security agency we have has already stated has infiltrated and influenced our election processs and our government.
shoot the messenger:
to blame or punish the person who tells you about something bad that has happened instead of the person who is responsible for it
“Is it possible that a so-called ‘source’ to a media outlet may actually be a Russian advocate?” Wenstrup asked.
Absolutely, and they are currently receiving a check to work in the White House in addition to being a russian advocate
Well, of course they did. This headline is like, “Trump brags about himself,” or “Melania looks sad.”
Republicans Hijack Hearing on Fire to Bitch About Smoke Alarm
Gowdy has that look of death warmed over.
Feinstein has already been briefed
Also Schiff.
Yeah, there is that. But he did manage at the end to insert that he had been a prosecutor too, just like the big kids. And he does look a little less, er…developmentally challenged than back in his Benghazi days. He’s never gonna live this one down though…
Sorry I have to, do you mean literally or figuratively?
I thought that was a Senate briefing only?
Good – hope Flynn is pissed at Trump for dumping him and worried enough that he may be looking at jail time, that he will cut a deal with prosecutors to turn evidence on Trump. Flynn is not the only one who might flip.
Senate briefing: Grassley & Feinstein
House briefing: Nunes & Schiff
Are you intimating that there are moles among the rats in the current administration? Do we need to call pest control?