Discussion: Republican Matt Bevin elected Governor of Kentucky

Kentucky appears to be hopeless.

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Let us hope.


Let me tell ya, I would definitely vote for a ā€œRepublican liteā€ any day of the week, if the alternative choice is a Teabatshittywhackfucknutjob. Not a hard choice at all for me.


Yeahā€¦should have had this one, easily. Bevin ran a disaster of a campaign, but the numbers kept showing him way too strong.

I didnā€™t had a good feeling about this one for some time now.

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He did not run as an anti-Democrat. He ran as a Democrat in a state that has been rapidly trending right in response to a black president.
Look, we canā€™t be like Republicans, we canā€™t be stuck in this alternate reality in which we only ever lose because our candidate wasnā€™t left wing enough. That just isnā€™t realistic. There are parts of the country where liberalism isnā€™t welcomed or accepted. Thatā€™s a reality we need to learn to accept.


Yes, Dan Mongiardo. He lost.

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Obviously, I havenā€™t seen a break down on the exit polling, but my guess is, once again, the electorate broke heavily old, white and conservative. And probably very low turn out across the board.

This is a really bad time for Dems to hold elections, a year out from the Presidential. Its much worse than midterms.

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I hope those who voted for him are all prepared to get the government they deserve.


I feel sorry for all the Kentuckians who are going to lose their healthcare coverage.

Honestly, if I lived there, Iā€™d be looking to move somewhere more sane.

My condolences to all the folks who will have to suffer under this prick for the next four years or more.


These are the same brainiacs who thought Kynect was not Obamacare. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Good luck with that morons!


Does that include Illinois and Maryland in 2014? Why did those states elect conservative Republican governors?

Are we deluding ourselves that there are plenty of Democrats out there, but they donā€™t vote? What if these Democrats just donā€™t exist?

Or, is there some incredibly clever, Republican-biased voter fraud going on in several states, leading to these outcomes?


Enough of Vitter ā€“ and enough of ā€œJindalā€™s another termā€ as well. I canā€™t hold my breath, but let us hope.

The Democrats have to learn (or re-learn) how to win these elections. They canā€™t bet it all on years that are a multiple of 4.


I don;t know about that We certainly have been winning elections - but we havenā€™t done well is try to get State people elected whereas true GOPers now control 38 of the 50 states. Itā€™s really difficult when the other side uses fear and lies to win elections and we try to win it on the facts.


Condolences. You deserve better than this.


I obviously wasnā€™t talking about turnout. Thatā€™s an issue that is partly connected to the kinds of candidates we run, but certainly not always. Do you think Feingold lost because he just wasnt liberal enough? There are several issues working against Dems, particularly those in red states. It does us no good to blindly shove our heads in the sand and blame the candidates. Thatā€™s what weā€™ve been doing since 2010 and itā€™s clearly not working.


From what Iā€™ve heard, if people want to know what Bevin will do to Kentucky, all they have to do is look to Kansas. IF thatā€™s the case, then the Rethugs (and everyone else in KY) will regret this day because thereā€™s nowhere to hide once a teabagger gets ahold of the reigns. They own all the desgtruction completely.

Now I realize that much of the Rethug sentiment is because Black in White House but the fact is, Pres. Obama will be gone all too soon. God help us ALL if this is some kind of omen that foretells of a Rethug in the WH. In that case, say goodbye to the US.


Very true Plucky. Now I donā€™t know if Bevin will actually try to end Kynect (Obamacare) but is t possible that no one was able to tell Kentuckians that Kynect is Obamacare? It is mind numbing.


Condolences from me as well. No sympathy for those who voted for Bevin on the other hand, they deserve what they voted for. If only they were the only ones who will live all those consequences expected to follow.


Please!!! - Kentucky does not represent the United States. Do not
go there as it doesnā€™t compute