Discussion: Republican Jewish Coalition Defends Trump’s Appointment Of Bannon

Does the term: ‘self loathing’ ring a bell?


Its actually a fascinating movie. But yeah…this reality is very fucked up.


House JudenRats.

In addition to Jewish groups, I think every white evangelical organization should be pressed on the Bannon appointment. If they do not oppose Bannon, do not ask Trump to keep him out, then it is more evidence that the Jesus people have made a pact with the devil and are tacitly approving racism in return for a Supreme Court appointment.


Sweet RaMBaM, what the hell is wrong with you? AIPAC is equally useless (when it’s not being terrible).


Yet another example of “he said, but on the other hand, she said…” reporting.

The “Republican Jewish Coalition”?? Who gives a ratfuck for what 3 loops and a press release think?

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the cognitive dissonance in the republican party may drive them crazy (clinically speaking).


And so the RJC is joining the Log Cabin Republicans in self-denial and irrelevance.

@cuwrs @system

Just saw that you beat me to it.

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I think that some of these folks are mostly concerned about keeping US backing for the occupation and keeping the aid flowing. If that’s your role, you’re probably not going to be the sort of person who maps out the moral high ground.

I believe that the collapse we’re seeing is systemic. AIPAC has never been my favorite group, but they’re just caught up in the general moral and intellectual implosion that’s ripping through all sorts of organizations and institutions in this country. It’s the same wave that makes newspapers write mealy-mouthed headlines, that makes Republicans sit quietly by while Bannon ascends to power, that prevents the business community from taking a stand.

By the time the dust settles so many horrible things will have transpired that we won’t even remember that this happened.


Clayton Bigsby will be weighing in soon, and explain that this endorsement of Bannon is fine because at least they ain’t no ni****!


Hey, every GOP administration needs a neo-Nazi.

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The Vichy Republicans are all in.


The Republican Jewish Coalition and the Zionist Organization of America have tunnel vision. The only thing that matters to them is the support of the ultra-right wing and hard liners in Israel. As someone said above: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

Their tunnel vision prevents them from seeing that a hard line approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict only ends up harming Israel.

In the days following the end of the 1967 war, Israel’s first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion came out of retirement to warn the military from occupying captured territory. He warned that occupation will only result in the corruption of the government, the military, and the soul of the nation. They should have listened.


Wow! Self-loathing Jews coming out and supporting a bigot and anti-Semite! Bernie Marcus is one of the founders of Home Depot and money has always been number one on his agenda. Deregulation and more tax cuts are music to his ears.


The same god botherers that voted for Trump are the same ones who would use the Bible to “prove” that miscegenation laws are needed, and homosexuality should be a crime, and segregation is the “natural order”…

Never underestimate these peoples’ capacity to twist scripture to justify their hate.


Apparently inviting fascists to march over your own home is no problem as long as they pay strong lip service to Israel.


Could they be any dumber?

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Remember when Jewish leaders convinced the Jewish communities in Germany that “everything” was going to be ok. This story does not surprise me.

The American Jewish Committee and American Israel Public Affairs Committee both told the Washington Post that Trump had the right to make his own staff picks.

Never mind, folks! I found Chuck Schumer/Waldo!!! He is practicing those critical leadership skills we are all going to need him to show as our next Senate Minority Leader. By adhering once again to AIPAC’s Political Correctness. Thanks once again, Chuck.

ZOA President Morton Klein said that a review of Breitbart’s articles “confirms Mr. Bannon’s and Breitbart’s friendship and fair-mindedness towards Israel and the Jewish people."

First they came for the blacks, and I did not speak out—
Because I only cared about support for territorial expansion and apartheid by Israel.

Then they came for the feminists, and I did not speak out—
Because I only cared about support for territorial expansion and apartheid by Israel.

Then they came for the Latinos, and I did not speak out—
Because I only cared about support for territorial expansion and apartheid by Israel.

Then they came for the liberals, and I did not speak out—
Because I only cared about support for territorial expansion and apartheid by Israel.

Then they came for the Muslims, and I did not speak out—
Because I only cared about support for territorial expansion and apartheid by Israel.

Then they came for the scientists, and I did not speak out—
Because I only cared about support for territorial expansion and apartheid by Israel.

They they welcomed American Nazis, and I did not speak out—
Because I only cared about support for territorial expansion and apartheid by Israel.

Then they came for me—and we had drinks and discussed who they should go after next—
Because I’m a selfish asshole who only cares about support for territorial expansion and apartheid by Israel.