This message approved by The Association of German National Jews (It’s real, look it up).
In a twisted way politically conservative right wing Jews harbor great hostility toward liberal progressives (especially ones who are Jews) and in some instances it goes so far as to fall into a demented version of the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” reasoning… and they fail to grasp that when the dust settles, a guy like Bannon would want them all exterminated - not just the liberal ones.
And along those lines, here I thought that Jewish kapos (look that one up, too) were a discredited, shameful thing of the past.
“The system was designed to turn victim against victim, as the prisoner functionaries were pitted against their fellow prisoners in order to maintain the favor of their SS guards.”
Which is a better example of cognitive dissonance, the Republican Jewish Coalition or Log Cabin Republicans? Discuss…
So the Judenrat has weighed in.
Translation: “The Anti Defamation League looks at Bannon’s Breitbart headlines touting the anti-Semitic memes of its readers, the Confederate flag and international banker conspiracy theories and sees anti-Semitism. The RJC sees the same things and sees an anti-Semitic Bibi supporter. So we are with Bannon-Bibi-Trump, naturally.”
Hey, whom are you going to believe-the ADL, or Bernie Marcus?
Jewish anti Semites. Well, that’s fucked up.
These same folks would have supported Hitler too. Apparently all they want is tax cuts.
Wait until black Republicans send out their press release approving of Sessions as AG. This shit ain’t new.
Of course, it didn’t end well.
Despite their extreme patriotism, the German government did not accept their goal of assimilation, the Association of German National Jews was declared illegal and dissolved on 18 November 1935. Its chairman Max Naumann was arrested by the Gestapo the same day and imprisoned at Columbia concentration camp. He was released after a few weeks, and died of cancer in May 1939.
Isn’t that the very definition of “Self-hating Jew”?
ty for that
Bannon “loves” Israel as a place for Jews to go to and get out of the US.
“I have been shocked and saddened to see the recent personal attacks on Steve,” RJC board member Bernie Marcus said in a Tuesday statement to Time. “Nothing could be further from the truth.”
this is the basis for an attack ad.
both are
Bernie Marcus: Steve Brannon is one of the finest - what was that?
(whispered conversation)
BANNON? Oh yeah, that guy’s a fucking racist bigot. Sorry, I thought we were talking about somebody else. Carry on.
"The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. No one else.” — Donald J. Trump
C’mon, folks. Bannon and the rest of Mannschaft Drumpf loves and respects Jews, unconditionally. And judging by the RJC statement, the feeling is obviously mutual.
More or less the same as log cabin Republicans. I got mine, fuck you. No loyalty to anything but the all mighty dollar.