Discussion: REPORTS: Trump Expected To Pick As Secretary of State Exxon's Rex Tillerson

“Russia is critical for Exxon,” said Fadel Gheit, oil analyst for Oppenheimer & Co. “Not only for how much production it has there, but the potential growth is huge.” He said once sanctions are lifted, “Exxon will go back to develop the Arctic business at a rapid pace.”


But U.S. sanctions against Russia for its incursion into Crimea cost Exxon Mobil dearly, forcing it to scrap some projects and costing it at least $1 billion in losses. Tillerson has been a vocal critic of the sanctions.

Russian state holding company Rosneftegaz on Saturday signed a deal with the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) and commodities trader Glencore to sell a 19.5% stake in state-owned oil major Rosneft, Rosneft said.
The privatization deal, which Rosneft Chief Executive Igor Sechin called the largest in Russia’s history, was announced by Rosneft in a meeting with President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday.
Its success suggests the lure of taking a share in one of the world’s biggest oil companies outweighs the risks associated with Western sanctions imposed on Russia over the conflict in Ukraine.

Making sense now?

Edit. Anyone care to bet sanctions get lifted toute de suite-with all due alacrity. There’s no " shame of the face"


The last piece of evidence that November 8th was a massive, bloodless coup d’eta…

The USA just got “PUNKED” - now that the demonic cabal are all assembled in the tent!

Lets hear the wailing & gnashing of teeth from ditzy millennials, who threw their votes for Jill Stein. :scream:


Remember what happened the last time big oil was in the white house? Saddam Hussein assumed he had the green light to invade Kuwait. It took a war to get him out. So when Russia invades the Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania and Croatia the Trump administration will . . . . . . complain and wine and wring their hand, and the great Red middle of this country will send their boys off to fight. Suckers.


Profit partners…

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Throw out your copy of the Constitution we are officially a Fascist Country right out of Hitlers playbook tell the Big Lie throw out the Media imprison Journalist, eliminate the First amendment. Put Fascists in charge of all government agencies,imprision governmant workers who do there jobs correctly done done done Sec of state BESTIES with Americas mortal enemy We going to make best friends with them now King Trump says yeah throw out your copy of the Constitution


So Putin named not only POTUS but also the whole diplomatic structure under POTUS.


Expect to be heard at inauguration replacing hail to the chief


Oh choose between cowards and thugs.
Not much of a choice.

I’m going to enjoy the giant land-based missiles and the huge head of Lenin in the Inaugural parade…


Then go the fuck home and suck your thumb. You’re no use in this fight.


So anyway, one has to wonder what the famous Trumpian base voters, or maybe more importantly the GOP voters who held their noses and pulled the lever for him, think of his picks so far. It’s a characteristic of his to instantly wave it in the face of people he’s rooked the moment he senses he’s won.


Be nice if there was a fight rather then a race to surrender.
Oh well the senate d’s are just taking their cues from hillary who surrendered as fast as possible and slunk off somewhere with her 1% friends to wait for their invitation to drumpf’s next wedding.

I’m sorry, I should have made it clear that petulant whining isn’t a lot of help in this or any situation.


Where’s the ‘give him a chance’ crowd on this one?


“He does massive deals in Russia.”

Good God!

It can happen here!


“massive deals” like giving The United States to Russia let make a deal Russia will own our economy


kakocracy: Rule or government by the worst of the people.


Oil or hotels. Or both.


Oh, and all you oath-sworn generals grown envious, you’re getting the Mittens treatment, the soft dangle in the light breeze…


Sometimes all you need is permission from your probation officer to travel to the interview. Right, Dave?