Discussion: Reports: Trump Chooses Jeff Sessions To Be Attorney General Nominee

Goddamnit. You’re right. Sigh.

Well Mark Halperin on MSMBC just said he would be confirmed because he is in the senate and other senators would not vote against him

Sessions will have a difficult time getting approval from the Senate. The man was already tossed aside as a federal judge by the Senate because of his outlandish racist remarks and actions.

What his nomination will do,is bring pressure upon McConnell immediately. The only way Sessions can get confirmed is if McConnell does away with the filibuster immediately. And doing so to appoint Sessions as AG is going to be hard sell to any GOP holdouts like Paul and Hatch.


So you’re saying Trump may not go for the short on Justice guy?

Yeah, sliding Ted Cruz into the rumored Sessions nom would be a relief…


poor CC…thought groveling like a beaten mule had earn him a place at the trump cross burnings…
till he ran into…satans… son in law…who actually got trump to blame CC for bridge-gate…lol…what goes around

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Here are the Democrats on current Senate Judiciary Committee.
I’d buy tickets to see Franken and Whitehouse roast Sessions. So many of the others have worked with Sessions on this committee for so long, I’d be surprised if they went at him hard. This could be a great opportunity to blunt the Trump steamroller.


Trump’s wracked with fear and having buyer’s remorse according to well-placed observers who noted danger signs as the alpha celebrity clung to Melania’s hand on Capitol Hill a week ago.
Those same sources indicate the President-elect was bored shitless in yesterday’s meeting with the Japanese and let Ivanka and Jared do most of the talking…Abe get your Shogun.

I am saying first off, that the names being dropped are mostly coming from reporters having drinks with someone who knows someone who knows someone on the transition team, and after a few drinks that start playing “How about”.

Secondly, the names that do seem confirmed ( and please notice, Donald himself has not given any public statements on anybody being named for anything…including Bannon), are going to start the Donald-McConnell relationship off on a rocky beginning.

These are not names that McConnell can just corral the GOP senators together and rubber stamp (not to mention he has to corral them together and nuke the filibuster first) without facing political pushback in two years.

The main institutional check that Congress has against Donald is going to be the confirmation process. Trying to get rid of a Sessions after he starts trying to arrest black people for showing up to vote will be much more difficult, and be a PR disaster for the GOP.

McConnell IS an asshole, but he isn’t a stupid one. He mainly wants to fill up the Judiciary and get lots of new tax cuts, not destroy the entire country and rescind America’s status as the lone super power.


The Dems on the Senate Judiciary Committee should take at least 11 straight hours with Beauregard to rake over his past.


It is going to be racists all the way through! Amazing…

And guess this is also to cover Trump’s a@@ over all his illegal activities and sexual abuse charges as well … Good for Trump and company not so good for the country.

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III is eminently qualified to be attorney general as he has not said the N word in public for more than 30 years! Lindsey Olin Graham thinks so!


This is a fucking disaster for civil rights. Period. Take to the fucking streets.


the great irony of that is it was one of the few decent things Christie has done in public life that got him dumped - or did he only make sure Jared’s father got jail time because he was a democrat?

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What did you expect him to say after ‘Red Tuesday’?

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the Third! That’s privilege with a capital racism and a family tree


The fiddler calls the tune.

A major question that needs to be asked is this: Does McConnell want to pull the trigger and call for a majority vote on these nominees?

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At least Sessions is leaving the Senate. That is a good thing. The Fox News Contributor Cabinet.

The Republicans have effectively staged a coup d’etat.

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I prefer to think of him as “The Turd” …rather than the Third…but I guess that’s the romantic in me.