Will this include Donnie’s Russian hookers?
Jeff Sessions, the man who believes Reefer Madness is a documentary, thinks lie detector tests are scientific.
Will it include Trump and his family members? This doesn’t seem like a wise idea. My guess is that a lot of people will refuse.
All distractions from the clear and present danger of the Mueller investigations.
Makes sense to de-fund the investigations so the accused administration can chase after the windmills of leaks and illegal votes, huh?
Good lord…he really IS a little NAZI isn’t he>
You have to start from the Clown Prince downwards .
After you, traitor.
At this point it would seem safe to assume anyone accepting a position with this administration is a flawed person of questionable caliber and qualifications. Kinda like hearing your brother-in-law the restaurant “chef” has taken a job with Chipotle.
Anyone else imagining that people in our national security apparatus may be knowledgeable about the workings of, and failings of, polygraphs?
And when this Joe Friday Dragnet stunt fails to find the so-called leaker, what’s next? Waterboarding?
Needless to say, if I was on the NSC staff, my response to the Keebler Elf would be a hearty: “Fuck you!”
If I were one of those staffers, I’d say, “I’ll get in line right behind you, Mr. Attorney General. And the President.”
This from a backwoods knuckle-dragger who lied under oath during his confirmation hearings and who refuses to see or address Russian meddling in our country’s elections.
Top law enforcement officer? What a fookin’ joke.
Sessions announced a crackdown on intelligence leaks
A noble effort destined to fail for alas, the investigation will show there never was any intelligence in the DT administration.
I guess it’d be okay… if he’d first take a one-time, one-issue polygraph on the question of whether he’s a racist?
The First of Ten Easy Steps to Fascism!
I would have thought any security clearance at that level would require a polygraph by default. I know that in the early 90’s the military was going to make a polygraph requirement for lower level clearances. I can honestly say I’m glad I wasn’t pinged for one.
Oh he’s a South Pole elf!
Lie detector test wouldn’t work on Trump. You have to 1) know that you’re lying and 2) care about getting caught in a lie.
IIRC, a TS/SCI with poly requires that you be willing to submit to the polygraph test, but this test is not necessarily carried out. In any case, I imagine a substantial body of the NSC is rightly only Secret. Overclassification is a constant battle.