Discussion: Reports: Planned Parenthood Gunman Shouts 'I'm Guilty' In Court

He is a right wing terrorist. He stands ready to be martyred for his cause and go to heaven for his 72 virgins, or whatever the equivalent is for Christians.

We must disarm all terrorist in America. No more guns for Christians, Muslims, or atheists (because everybody hates them, amirite?). To purchase a gun you must demonstrate that you are a pacifists, with literally no arms.


If you were a warrior for babies you would be fighting for healthcare, food and education for them. Hillary Clinton is a warrior for babies, you are a murderer.


Was it the usual Cruz tripe?

That sounds like menudo.

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Nice bullet proof vest you are wearing sir.

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No pro-lifers donā€™t admit that they know people like Dear.

Such knowledge ruins their image


So, exactly how many lives did this man save. Clearly killing the cop didnā€™t prevent any abortionsā€¦because cops donā€™t perform abortions. Heā€™s just another worthless WHITE, CHRISTIAN terrorist, egged on by the folks that claim they never intended such results while actually celebrating them.



Ricky Martin is the bomb

I see what you did there. Well, done, my friend. Well done.

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Then his defense is going to be rather nutty.

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Oh, yeah, were is that fat fuck? And his darling, whatā€™s-her-name, the clerk.

She sure looks pretty in that outfit!

Did Kkkruse call this person a cop-killer?

War guy, okay. At least he didnā€™t maintain that he murdered to protect life.

The most likely time for a woman to be abused and/or murdered by her domestic partner is when sheā€™s pregnant. Where are these ā€œwarriors for babiesā€ in that fight? Nowhere to be found, thatā€™s where. Not even a blip on the so-called pro life radar.

ā€œHomicide a Leading Cause of Death in Pregnant Women.ā€ http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/411212


Was the public defender representing Carly Fiorina, too?

Whatā€™s that, you say? Cruella wasnā€™t indicted as an accomplice? Youā€™re kidding! Howā€™d she weasel out of that one?


Shame heā€™s going to the gay factory. Coulda used him on my security detail.

ā€“B. Carson


Iā€™m joining up as a safety escort volunteer with PP.


will they study his descent into murder? Who influenced him? How did he start on this path? What mattered, or who mattered to him enough to make him do this?

Iā€™d guess there are a few women in that crowd around him who decided this big buffoon might be worth paying just enough attention to, to push him into false heroics, to plant an idea in his head that there was a way to impress these peopleā€¦

How that seed got planted is something we need to study.

Good thing he cleared that up. Now Wingnuttia can totally ignore it.