I’m convinced he will be very soon. Certainly by the end of the year. My guess is that Kelly is trying to find a place for him and that search is not going well. Pentagon doesn’t want him, etc.
Im guessing no one other than DJT and his immediately family wants Miller back on the campaign payroll and I’m confident the RNC doesn’t want him.
The New York Times and Washington Post have now reported, however, that Pence was present in Oval Office meetings on May 8 […] and was handed a copy of that letter.
Should be fun to watch Mr. Goody-Two Shoes try to wiggle out of this one. I bet he’s doubled down on his prayers these days.
No. 5EYES (international intelligence community) has Ryan, McConnell, Nunes, Sessions on recordings, conspiring with Kislyak at the GOP Conventoin to funnel Russian oligarch/gangster money into RNC for laundering as donations.
Start thinking about President Orrin Hatch–who, it is rumored, doesn’t want it.
I’m a military retiree, and my only income is my monthly retirement check. Apparently I now have to worry that Trump might have a bad day on the links the same day he and Mulvaney are going over military retirement pay and the budget.
Hey, I’ve been pondering the mystery of why Rosenstein didn’t just sit on his hands since Mueller was appointed. My explanation above is all I can come up with. All the guilt was obvious.
There’s an ironic symmetry in the cases of Comey and Rosenstein.
Comey overstepped his bounds because of his conviction that Clinton was shady; Rosenstein, when he himself went out of bounds, seems to have done so to punish the perceived transgressions of Comey.
He was willing to aid Trump, because Comey “deserved” it.
I see your point. But there was more to that–RudyG’s sleeper cell was also pressuring Comey with the threat of unfavorable leaks. More behind-the-scenes action.