Discussion: Reports: Moore Was Known For Hitting On Teenage Girls At The Local Mall

employees at the mall were told to keep an eye on him

It really is a case where everybody knew and nobody said anything. Now the ones who know that the best defense isn’t a good offense when it comes to sexual predators are covering their asses. McConnell, Graham, I’m looking at you.

Same old, same @daveyjones64 I’d wager they knew a long time ago.


He hung out near the girl’s bathroom. That is why his defense of the bathroom bills. Experience in the issue.


Into the 1980s, now. A serial sexual predator, just as anyone would have expected.


Oh, I’d bet money on that.
Maybe not exactly sex, but some kind of sexual humiliation.


Sure hope he stays on the ballot


The GOP is trapped on the Titanic.

As it hurdles off a cliff.

Into a tsunami.

Of sewage.

That’s on fire.


All the way down

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I like to think of the various factions of the Republican’t Coalition as being like particles of Plutonium. Racists, Nationalists, White Supremacists, Ammosexual Fetishists, Dominionists, Prosperity Gospel types, Reactionary Pro-Lifers, Kleptocrats, Wall Street Banksters, Christian-Zionist Rapture Seekers, Corporate Predators and the Military-Industrial-Police-State Complex. On their own they are merely toxic and radioactive, but push them all too close together and they eventually reach Critical Mass, setting off a chain reaction and political-nuclear armageddon. That is where we now find ourselves on the very brink of…


The AL.com report is particularly damning with lots of on the record quotes from local folks. The Alabama GOP can ignore the yankee media but this AL report is much more local.

“These stories have been going around this town for 30 years,” said
Blake Usry, who grew up in the area and lives in Gadsden. “Nobody could
believe they hadn’t come out yet.”

And more. Not so easily dismissed in Alabama.


You have to go to the mall to get the good ones! They aren’t allowed in bars at that age.


Psst…and there isn’t going to be a tax bill life jacket, either.


Its hitting the fan (what a surprise). Sad that it seems almost everyone in the religious insular town knew about the DA pedophile, but kept their mouths shut for decades, despite high-profile elections.

Or they feared the religious insular backlash, as we have recently seen against the victims.


Before anyone accuses Roy Moore of hypocrisy, that cruising for teenage girls is perfectly kosher, nowhere in the Bible says that it’s bad to like young girls. What’s more he was making an effort to not violate the 9th commandment: “Thou shalt not covet your neighbor’s wife”, so instead of lusting for adult women that were more likely to have a husband, he focused on teenage girls.

You see, it may sound like Moore is a creepy perv, but in reality he is a solid God fearing Christian.


Or they actually feared the local DA… and a vindictive, evil, petty man like Moore, I don’t blame them.


Roy Moore married in 1985.

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The ick-factor of this guy cannot be overstated.


Moore accuser #5 has completely damning evidence in the form of his inscription, "love"d, signed and dated, in her high school yearbook.

For the record, I signed high-school girls’ yearbooks too, when I was in high school. Unless they’re on staff there, I cannot think of any earthly reason why any adult would sign a HS yearbook. I think Moore has invented a new red flag for the canonical predator profile. We should name it for him.


This reminds me of stories about predatory sheriffs in places like Appalachia.
Everyone in town knows they are trouble, yet everyone stays quiet, for years.

These same cultures have profound libertarian, anti-government impulses.
“Don’t Tread on Me”. How does all this work?


I love how Breitbart and the AL Repubs are going to show how this is all a “Democrat Party smear.” Yeah, you send your reporters down there and find out the real story.

The longer this goes, the more he protests and the Right tries to back him but fails, the better for those of us who want to pop the Fox/Sinclair/Breitbart epistemic bubble.

Reporting is reporting, dammit. Multiple independent sources, corroboration, details. We’ve always had rumors, we always had powerful folks trying to keep their dirty laundry inside. Professional journalism evolved to overcome them.


Absolutely un-fucking believable. This is the best that the white trash Republicans of AL can come up with: a born again asshole who spends his spare time hanging around the local mall looking for little girls to fuck.

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