Discussion: Reports: Hensarling Won't Run For House Majority Leader

Discussion for article #223857

“After prayerful reflection,”…(money remains my most important pursuit.)


Anyone else get the feeling there’s a Republican Underwood somewhere in the mix, fixing this internal event? Price and Hensarling both have declined to vie for this coveted position, much to the chagrin of their Tea Mob Masters, and the old DC crowd has stepped in and taken over.

I’d bet there’s hair afire all across the right wing blogs today over this.

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All three: Jeb Hensarling, Kevin McCarthy and Pete Sessions were at the January 20, 2009 Secret Meeting where they plotted with Frank Luntz to sabotage the US Economy.

Read story about here: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/06/11/1306103/-Eric-Cantor-Jeb-Hensarling-Kevin-McCarthy-Plotted-to-Sabotage-US-Economy-in-Secret-Meeting


Excellent. This clears the path for Louie Gohmert.


None of these cowards has the courage to try to control the frothing monster they’ve created.

Fuck all y’all.

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Clearly they are getting ransom for threatening to run. Price wants to be budget chair … this guy, who knows?

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Hensarling is eyeing the Speaker job. The interesting piece is who will he be supporting for the Majority Leader job?

The TP is literally drooling at the possibility of seizing both the Majority Leader job and the Speaker job. But its doubtful they have the votes to pull it off.

So the stage is set to see if Hensarling can cut enough back room deals to get to the Speaker job (now apparently against Boehner)…one of the biggest being, can he either get a loyal lieutenant into the job, or can he bribe/blackmail who ever is winning it to support him?

Its a very “House of Cards” moment going on in D.C. right now.