Discussion: Reports: Eric Cantor Will Resign As House Majority Leader

Oh, no, we knew him quite well. Fortunately, or unfortunately, for us, the rest of his party has finally caught up with our opinion.

Good call.

Nope, he’ll become a lobbyist. Guaranteed.


Leave your stepping stones behind, something calls for you
Forget the dead you’ve left, they will not follow you
The vagabond who’s rapping at your door
Is standing in the clothes that you once wore
Strike another match, go start anew
And it’s all over now, Baby Blue

Bob Dylan, “It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue”


I suspect Cantor’s well set with his benefits and pension. I also suspect Fox will pick him up as a commentator. That or a lobbyist firm will court him. Or, lastly a book and speaking tour on "How I lost my job because Benghazi !!!23#@!*&^11!!!Yikes!!! oh and “that” man in the White House… it’s his fault my polling was so bad.

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Rolled into Richmond at sunrise just after getting back from Nam to see my old man. High on hash, cruising past all those monuments to the Civil War heroes of the Conferacy and that song came over the radio. Brought me to tears of joy over being so free after having survived the military machine and the rotten war of my generation. Freedom to be alone and without a home is a wonderful thing sometimes. Thanks for the memories.

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Cantor’s been in office since 2001 so he’s vested for pension and benefits.

Really? Thanks for the update.
Oughta set US-Israel relations back 75 years.

Oh how to say: “Good bye!”
“Buh bye Eric” “Hasta la Vista” "Adios “Au Revoir” “Adieu” “Arrivederci” “Auf Wiedersehen” “Tot ziens” “Farvel” “До Свидания”
“Sayōnara” …oh…So long and good riddance!

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I know I’ll miss that reptilian smile…a toothy visage worthy of Voldemort: {{{{shudder!}}}}

Two of the three GOP Young Guns leaders rejected, Ryan and now Cantor. The bridge to the TP is closed.

Well, take solace Eric! Now you can partake of the jobless benefits and food stamps you fought so hard for!!


Well…perhaps you’ll qualify for unemployment insurance.


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No sitting House Majority Leader has EVER lost his primary race.

Eric…You made history____and, ironically, now you ARE history!
Get out!


For Eric: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy9_lfjQopU

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Tag for his departure: “The Cantor has left the Synagogue!”

Good news for Boehner! Now Cantor won’t be able to sneak ipecac into his morning gin any longer.

Saw where Cantor’s vanquisher penned a work entitled The Moral Philosophy of Ayn Rand ________Bold type and only half a page.

The Republicans have taken out some of their trash. Dems, it’s your turn. Vote out incumbents.

Poor Eric! All those hours staring at lil’ Johnny Boehner’s back and pondering exactly where he was going to plant the knife! …and now THIS! Eaten by his own TEAtard children! tsk tsk!

Well…bet Paul Ryan can get you a job driving the Weinermobile!