Discussion: Reports: Congressional Baseball Practice Shooter Identified

Oh, the right will feast on this one for months.


Yep, and they are likely combing through the record to find any nice things Bernie had to say about Dems they fear in 2020.

Expect the right wing math to be about this…

Hodgkinson=Sanders=Warren (or K. Harris)

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A Trump supporter will retaliate.

Sick. Way to use a tragedy to take shots at other posters. Again, sick.

The fact that he’s a Bernie Bro only informs this discussion in that it’s possible this attack was anger over Perriello’s primary loss last night in VA. It’s possible he asked which party was on the field only because he wanted to know at whom he was shooting, and not because he was necessarily targeting Republicans.



Be sure to explain that to the FB trolls. They are a reasonable bunch.


Bottom line is white male Trump supporters aren’t the only ones frustrated. White male Bernie supporters are too. How does the GOP gain any talking points on that?

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Please stop with the “Bernie Bro” name-calling. It is a sexist and offensive label.

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That’s a fool’s errand.

Bernie never has anything nice to say about Democrats.


Says the BernieBro bullshitter.


I’ve seen his Facebook feed and he’s likely an independent.


Recruitment and aiming their anger at Democrats and liberals.


Agreed Plucky…

I believe that we should be past the pot shots over the primary. There is reasonable concerns from Bernie and Hillary fans regarding said primary, and still discussions to be had about the direction of the party, but this nutjob should not be used as a divider of mostly aligned democrats.

Maybe we can channel our collective energy into related constructive discussions like Gun Control, Support for the mentally ill, and uneven responses from the GOP between when a RWer and a purported dem go this route.


Gotta get out the old high school yearbooks when I get home and look this guy up. A few years older than me, but same town and high school. Local boy becomes famous. More guns for everybody, especially the mentally unstable.


They would have in the past, but now (and in the age of receipts), this will die out in a few days.

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Surprised he was taken alive.

Not the time TCM…

Specifically on suppressors

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But wait … isn’t the entire purpose of the Second Amendment to allow citizens to defend themselves against a tyrannical government? What could be more American than taking pot-shots at Congressmen? Surely this guy should be lionized as an American hero? Except for the fact that he’s such a lousy shot, that is.


We are seven kinds of fucked. 1930s Germany, here we come…

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