Probably. Barr still thinks she should be investigated for…something.
The key word is “summary”
Anyone who, as a kid, used Classics Illustrated to do a Book Report instead of actually reading the book knows that Barr has the opportunity to do some ju-ju.
We need to get past that.
At a minimum, the GOP Message Machine will be out in force to spin.
And Spin.
The Dems will have to be ready and in a position to counteract this with authority and confidence.
Doom and Gloom are not options here. Doom and Gloom doesn’t do anything against Trump.
It’s gonna take him all day to scribble “No collusion”?
I hope she’s right.
Does anyone think that Mueller didn’t provide his own summaries for the various parts of his report?
At a minimum, this summary has to list the contacts between Russians and Trumpites that are already in the public record as part of the answer to one of the main questions Mueller was given to investigate. And I think putting this damning set of facts in Barr’s mouth is going to be a bad look for the NO COLLUSION chorus of chimps. They’ll still say it, but it won’t be as gleeful.
Me too, Chuck.
This summary should be treated as toilet paper. We want the full report and all the underlying info. Anything Barr produces will be a whitewash.
Both Cruz and Rubio says the report should be public, so it’s probably not good for Trump…
Given what we already know even without the report, it’s hard to believe anything else could be true. It’s all down to the extent of Barr’s willingness to cover. I fondly hope it’s so bad that Barr won’t be willing to stand with the president under the ever-larger shadow of a descending anvil.
Based on his history, regardless of the verbiage, syntax, or mode, Donald Trump’s first words will reference the thing about which he’s most guilty.
Well, he’s waiting…and it sure doesn’t look pretty. Seems he’s been holding his breath for a very long time. I hope he chokes.
“really damaging to the president” Okay, but I’m still wondering how it can be damaging if there was no criminal activity that warrants an indictment. The R’s are capable of waving off everything else and throwing a party, if he and his family and cronies were just naughty and didn’t commit an actual crime.
C’mon leakers… do your thing.
The redhead really needs to trim that moustache.
But I can’t open a bottle of champaigne at midnight, I have meetings tomorrow morning.
Opening it now, would make me semi-sober…
It can be damaging if there is criminal activity he can’t prosecute solely because of DOJ protocol.
When you have sources telling journalists “It’s really damaging to the president” then you have a situation where this doesn’t stay, can’t stay, bottled up. Barr to me is an old-school GWB-era conservative. Not necessarily a good or trustworthy person, but not crazy or stupid. He’s smart enough to know how Washington works, and to protect himself the way a Nunes or someone equally tainted can’t. Just my read.