Discussion: Reports: Authorities Say Suspect In Ohio State Attack Is Somali 18-Year-Old

“We need more SUVs! The only thing that will stop a bad guy in an SUV is a good guy in an SUV!”


This will add fuel to Trump’s xenophobic message. The Democrats, however, better craft an immigration message of their own other than “Trump bad, immigrants good.” I personally am concerned with allowing many Somalis into this country. We’re seeing a rash of terrorist attacks involving young Somali men.

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We nEEd heavy VettinG. ManY peoplE are saying that he Learned to drivE at ExtrmisT drivers ed MADRASSA IN Pakistan.


@closet_luddite @answerfrog I am pretty sure that @kymmacg agrees with both of you and I think he implied that the “argument” in his post is nonsensical. Unfortunately, I think that his predictions are correct in a sense that people who need to hear your rational arguments will not hear them, they won’t even listen.


And most historians agree today that Marinus van der Lubbe really did burn down the Reichstag, or at least tried

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This willl get Trump’s ‘millions of illegal voters’ BS off the headlines lickety-split!

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That would be a ratcheting down to 11… what I want to know is where our “predictor in chief” is on this? Did he tweet out a warning? (After all, he knew about the NY bombings before anyone else.)


Unfortunately, you Artan are exactly what Trump and Islamophobes portray Islam to be. You have done anti terrorist Muslims everywhere a great disservice by playing the phobes’ music.


Well shit. Nothing good about this.


Great headline quote on FOXNews.com

“This Was Done on Purpose”



Say it ain’t so! You mean he didn’t trip getting out of the shower and accidentally drive to campus, run some folks down, and then jump out of the car and stab a few guys, before hitting the bathroom floor?

Great. He just gave the phobes even more ammunition in their Muslim hate.

Itchy fingers gotta shoot off somethin’.


So many Reichstag fires to choose from to use as an excuse for legal bigotry, so little time.


Question-Why was this reported all day as an active shooter situation, if, apparently, the only shooting was done by the Police?


That’s one more name than those white trash killers have.

Except that we do have “car control” – every car on the road is registered with the state, and every driver in every car has to be licensed by the state. In order to be a licensed driver, you have to pass some form of competency testing, and in some states (like Virginia), minors are required to complete a minimum period of training and practice before they can become licensed.

The state can use those licensing and registration databases for law enforcement and crime investigation. You are subject to having your driving license suspended or revoked if you do not follow each and every one of the laws having to do with motor vehicles. Under some circumstances, you may be subject to having your vehicle confiscated for things having nothing to do with motor vehicle operation (drug cases, for example).

If guns were subject to the sort of regulation that motor vehicles were, heads would explode at the NRA.


What if everyone who has a gun was required to carry insurance on that gun so that if someone accidentally got hurt by it, they’d have a claim.

Yeah that’ll never happen.


Would it still be news if his name was Dalton Blair Pennington III?


I wonder what religion he was?

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