Discussion: Reports: After Nearly A Week, Trump Signs New Russia Sanctions Bill

How do you get to snark excellence? practice practice practice :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: and steal from @antisachetdethe


I assume it was because Congress had to drag him into the Oval Office, strap him to the chair, and then slowly force him to scribble out his signature.


“Hello, Jeff? Look, I’m sorry about those things Fake News says I said. I mean, it wasn’t me. Mooch wanted to do it. Look, the reason why I called, people came up to me and said if I signed something and I had my fingers crossed, it was OK. That’s right, isn’t it?”


based on its responsiveness to his negotiations


Fictional negotiations that took place in his head while staring down veto-proof passage.

This may surpass Fredo Trump’s claim he published his email chain in order to be transparent (instead of lunging for the send button ahead of the NYT publishing the story) as shameless bullshitting to claim the ass-beating was all your own idea.


Actually, he did: Trump attached a signing statement to the bill.



The countdown on Tillerson’s remaining time in the WH can now officially commence.


Maybe he actually waited until he found something that would satisfy Putin he was still on the team. Voila, Rick Perry, Homeland Security.


Lack of classiness
On the part of the White House
Looks bad.

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Trump hates the bill, but despises even more the prospect of having a veto overrode by Congress. All of Trump’s mouthing off and Machiavellian tactics during the campaign have resulted in the U.S. stuck with policies that are damaging.
He promises a wall. So Congress gets stuck figuring out a way to pay for it, and relations with Mexico are further strained.
He colludes with Russia and confesses a man-crush on Putin, so Congress enacts sanctions, and Russian relations unnecessarily go to shit.
He promises ACA repeal, and the insurance market tanks and people lose coverage.
He berates China and touts Taiwan and who the hell knows what nonsense will eventually come of all that.
And even money says a few (hundred?) thousand South Koreans are toast because the blithering idiot will feel compelled to back up his anti-N. Korea rants with a full fledged war.
Trump is a walking, talking disaster leading us to much pain and misery, yet Congress will do nothing about it.

You reap what you sow.


I think they finally figured out the Senate was not going to officially go into recess (because of his threats to Sessions) so his pocket veto wasn’t going to fly.


The signing statement: “Forgive me Master. It wasn’t my fault, really. I know I’m not worthy of Your indulgence, but if You can somehow find it in Your kind heart to forgive me this one time, know that Your worthless but loyal servant will deliver the goods.”


Yep …


So now we know the reason for the signing delay. It takes a bit of time to draft that signing statement (and run it by Putin).


You can’t convince me, by any means or with any argument, that Trump actually understands the nuances of what a signing statement is.



You’ll have to do without my snarkiness until Saturday. Flying to Austin in a few minutes and for some reason, I can’t get to comments on my tablet.


Meanwhile Robert Mueller hires Tom Brady, Joe Montana, Derek Jeter, Hank Aaron, etc etc etc

And somewhere in Moscow a mysterious video is prepared for worldwide release…


BREAKING: Trump does his job!


He doesn’t have to understand…only the WH lawyers telling him what he wants to hear in 140 characters or less.

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Safe travels.


O.T. but Krugman calls attention to this Trump quote from

in one of his morning tweets.

TRUMP: I want to achieve growth. We’re the highest-taxed nation in the world, essentially, you know, of the size. But we’re the highest-taxed nation in the world. We have — nobody knows what the number is. I mean, it used to be, when we talked during the debate, $2.5 trillion, right, when the most elegant person — right? I call him Mr. Elegant. I mean, that was a great debate. We did such a great job. But at that time I was talking $2.5 trillion. I guess it’s $5 trillion now. Whatever it is, it’s a lot more. So we have anywhere from 4 [trillion] to 5 or even more trillions of dollars sitting offshore.

Sure it’s more Trumpian bullshit and word salad, but who the fuck is Mr. Elegant?