You took the words right out of my mouth(fingers).
NOBODY should let this happen quietly and under the radar. This has to be made as public as possible – and there are a multitude of ways a press corps can do this.
You took the words right out of my mouth(fingers).
NOBODY should let this happen quietly and under the radar. This has to be made as public as possible – and there are a multitude of ways a press corps can do this.
Yeah, they may know somebody in the news
Honestly, the press corps should fire themselves rather than repeat DJT and SHS crap.
Has the reporter from the Volkische Beobachter had his credentials questioned? How about Pravda’s correspondent?
Pretty sure they’re welcomed with open arms.
I’ve just now taken a break from reading this long article in The Atlantic about the Hungarian president, Viktor Orban, whom Trump will soon be meeting in the White House, only to find myself reading this article, which, swap a few names around, and it sounds like it could have come from that article. Reading about Orban is like reading Trump’s history, minus the losing a billion dollars in one decade. But even so, this bit pulled me up short:
When I asked [US ambassador to Hungary David] Cornstein about Orbán’s description of his own government as an “illiberal democracy,” the ambassador shifted forward and rested his elbows on a table. “It’s a question of a personal view, or what the American people, or the president of the United States, think of illiberal democracy, and what its definition is.” As he danced around the question, never quite arriving at an opinion, he added, “I can tell you, knowing the president for a good 25 or 30 years, that he would love to have the situation that Viktor Orbán has, but he doesn’t.”
Mueller and the Russia scandal are only, in my opinion, a minor part of the “high crimes and misdemeanors” bit. There’s his conflicts of interest, his apparent financial crimes, his failure to keep and preserve records, his fomenting violence, caging children, ignoring established law for asylum seekers. We don’t really need the Russia scandal to justify an impeachment.
He said this will make his tass easier.
Why not let whoever Trump wants in the WH and just leave them there with him? The rest of the world can then be back to peace.
Trump loves and requires opposition. This article in the Economist was helpful to me.
Donald Trump is a pro wrestler masquerading as commander-in-chief
Mr Trump’s success lies in applying wwe principles where the line between performance and reality is even finer. In “The Apprentice” he played a successful businessman. In politics he saw that the contest of ideas its participants claimed to be engaged in was really a partisan slugfest almost as contrived and absurd as the wwe. He therefore offered a more ghoulishly watchable version of what voters were already getting. Why choose Jeb Bush trying to be a pantomime bad-ass when you could have the real thing?
The president also employs the wwe’s new stagecraft. Mixing family, business and politics infuriates sticklers for the law, but makes his fans think he is somehow more real—or “authentic”—than his rivals. He is also a master of shifting between degrees of make-believe. “I’m not supposed to say this,” he interjects into his speeches, “but what the hell?” And then there are his constantly distracting micro-dramas, breathlessly echoed by a commentariat every bit as emotionally invested in the drama as the press gallery at WrestleMania, which often erupted into spontaneous gasps or applause. How much of Mr Trump’s behaviour is concocted is debatable; private Trump is also pretty pantomime. But that uncertainly merely adds, wwe style, to the reality-tumbling effect.
If this doesn’t curdle your blood, check for a pulse.
From Milbank’s article:
Now, virtually the entire White House press corps is credentialed under “exceptions,” which means, in a sense, that they all serve at the pleasure of press secretary Sarah Sanders
Amen. He was ripe for impeachment within a month of taking office…maybe even before that. The signs were all there from the beginning and it was always predictable that we would arrive at this moment we find ourselves in. The real question is will they go through with it or will it be a slow-simmering Congressional dance all the way to election day? Either way, it was in the stars from day one.
Where is the solidarity
They should all boycott, but no , afraid of losing their 1 minute clip of their witty question on the TeeVee news
Spinless wonders are allowing this to happen. Trump needs to be starved of attention
Izvestia said: Ya idu kuda sam tsar’ idet peshkom
We all know Fox News and other right-wing/Trump friendly outfits will remain, regardless of any minimum threshold. The question is will WaPo, NYT, CNN, etc. still treat Fox News as a legitimate news organization. They need to begin policing their own if they want this to ever change.
The worse part is most of the major media outlets will be fine (or at least cooperative) with this and not make a fuss as long as some stenographer of theirs can ‘get access’. The MSM is compliant in this and NOT the Dems ‘friends’ or on the side of ‘truth’. They are on the side of clicks and money. As long as Trump gets them clicks he can dictate who they send.
incremental steps on the road to fascism. the men responsible for these moves need to be outed; because there’s no way in hell dotard has the knowledge to put these schemes together… only to sign on in approval.
Just impeach the muthaf*cker.