Discussion: Report: Walker Said Union Fight Was Like Reagan's Air Traffic Controller Fight

Discussion for article #233435

He is rather like Reagan in that he wants to continue to decimate the middle class, weaken workers rights by destroying unions, as well as privatize and make a market out of everything. What I can’t fathom is why any middle class American would support him.


You can’t “compare” to non-separate things. Walker’s behavior is nothing more than a continuation of Reagan’s behavior. It is the same thing, all part of the same plan and attack, not a separate thing.

Gee, I don’t get it. Why is Scott Walker traveling to New York City to attend fancy dinners with plutocrats? It was only a few months ago when Scott Walker swore to the state of Wisconsin that he was not going to run for President. Hmmm…

Anyway, if Walker is done playing make-believe in Manhattan, maybe it’s time he get back to Wisconsin and do his job. Our state is facing a pretty serious budget crisis and a lot of difficult choices that could possibly use his attention.


“Walker argued that Reagan’s fight with the air was a way of showing strength to the Soviet Union.”

Boy, the top military brass are going to have fun with Walkers foreign policy naivete. Let the ‘Pentagon Primary’ begin.

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I dunno, he kind of reminds me of Rick Santorum.



Sorry, Walker. You’re Bonzo.


Ok, granted, Gov. Walker, you’ve proved that you can piss on American workers just like President Reagan did.

But have you secretly sold weapons and spare parts to Iranian terrorists?
Have you financed Central American death squads?
Have you transformed this nation from a net creditor to a net debtor?
Have you imposed a federal healthcare mandate on the nation’s hospitals?

If you cannot answer ‘yes’ to all these questions, I have to say:

Governor, I served with Ronald Reagan. I knew Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan was a friend of mine. Governor, you’re no Ronald Reagan.


While Scott Walker is living it up in New York City, things back home in Wisconsin are not looking good. Even people that voted for Walker are starting to notice.

Tomah Journal: “Walker Budget Gets Bad Reviews at Listening Session”


Walker is like Reagan----unqualified to be president, incapable of truthfulness, mentally deranged, ethically corrupt, morally bankrupt, and given to speaking in meaningless platitudes.


Now the republicans in Wisconsin are waking up to what Walker is all about? Maybe their brains have been frozen for the past 5 years.

No Scott

It just shows that the KochBoys were buying your election for you one vote at at time…

And, I might add, Reagan portrayed himself as a deficit hawk and said he would never negotiate with terrorists. What did he do? Proceeded to balloon the deficit with ill-conceived tax cuts and defense spending and negotiated with terrorists (Iran). Is that the kind of President that Walker would want to emulate?? His statement is merely yet another desperate ploy.


That argument will go over well in OH and PA.

“Reagan’s fight with the air traffic controllers was a way of showing strength to the Soviet Union.”

Yep, once those Commie bastards in the Kremlin saw how firm Reagan was with a bunch of doughy, pasty men who stare at radar screens for a living, they all collectively shit their pants, threw down their weapons and ran away into the Urals.


Seen one cosmic douchenozzle, seen 'em all…

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But Reagan graduated from Eureka College.
See, iIt doesn’t take a genius.


A governor of a blue state cannot govern by wandering the country and other countries and expect to come home to find support among the voters of either party. They have a right to know what he’s doing for them. Or else they’re going to say 'What’s he done lately?" and get no answer. See New Jersey, Governor.

Who ran into the urinals, the air traffic controllers or the Commie bastards?.

I’d add doddering sock-puppet to that list.