Discussion: Report: Vanessa Trump Files For Divorce From Trump Jr

Word on the street has the divorce filing based on a recent photo-op with hair net.

just sayin’

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Apparently, after she had run into the Trumps at various events through the years, she said to Jr. after a few meetings, “Oh, you’re the one with the retarded father.”

For that alone, she has my admiration.


Maybe on the asset transfer but I doubt any Trump would take that chance. Besides, they are all so blinded to the real legal issues they face, they think they are invulnerable and even if convicted, Daddy will pardon them. Au contraire! If the FBI hands off the indictments say for money laudering to NYS’s AG, no Federal pardon would apply. Game-set-match! Buh-bye!


WSJ says it will happen. In the background you have the armed forces looking for a position to kick him upstairs into, so he can transfer out of the NSA in a few weeks or a month and everyone saves face.

of course then there’s this reality:


I have to comment simply to state that I’ve never seen a post on TPM with 22 replies! Never would have suspected it would be a wedding photo of Fat Nixon Junior that would do it.


Maybe @antisachetdethe should get a pilot’s license so he could do touch-and-gos – like 10 at a time and really hurry things along.

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This photo can’t be real. Looks like something from a Farrelly’s brother’s movie. Were Lloyd and Harry groomsmen? Geez…

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OMG, Grabbe and Goyle are my new names for them. Those are perfect.

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Could be, or it could be that Hope Hicks found her a new man.

I’m willing to believe she started dating him because of his name and money, and maybe even fell in love with him at some point. Five kids is a lot to bear to a man you don’t love. But I also wouldn’t be surprised if PP was merely a minor player, an annoyance in their lives until he decided to run for president. I can understand tolerating a completely whackadoo father in law, particularly if everyone seemed to agree that he’s nuts and no one has to really listen to him. But then the campaign began and DTJ went all in behind his father, began tightly embracing white supremacists, and became every bit of sycophantic behind closed doors as he is in public. Then his further willingness to destroy himself and his family in service to a monster who’d never bothered to be much a father very well may have been the final nail in the coffin.


There IS a Trump Tweet for everything !

Donald Trump Jr.

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Follow Follow @DonaldJTrumpJr
Kim Kardishian is getting a divorce, I can’t believe I lost the office pool by betting the under on 3 weeks. Thought that was easy money!!!
10:04 AM - 31 Oct 2011

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“Til death or the needs of protecting assets from seizure and forfeiture do us part . . .”

When they wasn’t a-wrasslin’ each other or a-shootin’ critters, Cletus and Jethro liked to put on their big-boy clothes sometimes – Ladies and Gents, I give you Herp and Derp:

Good for you, Sweetheart. Get the fuck out before the Asshole-elect and his pond scum spawn all end up in jail. Sad.

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Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. –Voltaire

LOVE her tag line

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As Mr. Natural would say (back in the day)…

You Ain’t Wrong!

Wild guess…this will give rise to complicated financial encumbrances making it difficult for Muellar to unravel without a bigger team of forensic accountants.No one said it woul d be easy.

Uday and Qusay, I can’t get past that.

I may be jealous because I’m bald, but damn some folks with hair have some shitty styling.


Well, well, well . . . Vanessa just hire a criminal defense attorney to be her divorce lawyer. (Kind of destroys the couple’s statement that this would be an amicable divorce.)

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