This is going to happen when corrupt people get put in charge of huge pots of money. You’re surprised if it doesn’t happen.
I do believe the employment laws need an upgrade. Such discrimination should not, cannot happen.
We’re going to get only one chance to fix this shit and that will have to be accomplished by doing it harder and better than they have or ever thought possible. Fuck them and fuck anyone who wants to moralize about it too. Learn to empty yourself of fucks or at least get out of the way.
“They’re moving in people who want to privatize. If you’re opposed to that and you speak up, you’re probably on the chopping table,” Ward Morrow with the American Federation of Government Employees told TPM. “It really is retaliatory, whatever they’re doing.”
Privatized VA, yeah. How many of the current-, ex-, and/or supporting-the-military TrumpHeads thought they were voting in favor of that in 2016?
Mr. Trump, why do you hate our veterans? I mean, but for that tragic bone spur affliction, you could have been one yourself.
Fuck you Purgers and the Trump you rode in on.
What does a fucking drafting dodging war mongering cunt like Trump know about Veteran care?
So much for non-partisan civil servants. People criticize regulations that make it hard to fire people. This is why–within reason–those are a good idea.
How very Stalinist of them. Obviously Trump’s minions have gotten the message to learn their duties from his Russian friends.
So much winning!
Donald! Donald!
So proud of our great leader!
Aren’t you?
Libruls just hate him – they can’t admit he, like, totally dominated Hillary in a landslide historic election victory revolution. But patriotic white heterosexuals know the truth! And he has been so tough, so so tough on Russia. Toughest ever. AND he’s is cleaning up the VA. Donald! Donald!
They’re just begging for a military coup.
From the report on the work of the Central Committee to the 18th Communist Party Congress, March 10, 1939:
The Party cadres constitute the commanding staff of the Party; and since our Party is in power, they also constitute the commanding staff of the leading organs of state. After a correct political line has been worked out and tested in practice, the Party cadres become the decisive force in the work of guiding the Party and the state. A correct political line is, of course, the primary and most important thing.
If a loyalty test is required Trump won’t pass
Dead. On.
Defeating the Pumpkin Traitor by itself won’t fix catastrophes like the one at the State Department and the one building at VA.
and in every other cabinet & agency.
At the VA in particular, this trend has coincided with the ouster of people opposed to the privatization of the public health system that serves millions of U.S. veterans.
As a Vietnam Vet who uses the VA, 3 different VA Med Centers so far, and have had zero issues getting in when I desire, getting excellent care, etc. The system just WORKS and that is the reason du jour for the whole privatization push, government programs are not allowed to work. Privatization is also meant to put $$$$ that could go for vet care in the private Doctor hands. Example: I had brain surgery last Sept. They went through my nose thus needed an ENT specialist for the procedure at a non-VA facility. The ENT wanted follow-ups, something that never happened 18 years ago with the same operation. One follow-up was not enough, had 3 visits, each visit lasting less than 10 minutes. Cost to the VA, $875 per visit. The ENT cost per visit were on par with the Neurosurgeon, who required only 1 follow-up.
Nope. A few may voice concerns, but the military is benefiting bigly from the Orange Traitor, even if they weren’t already 90 percent trump voters.
That it’s socialized medicine and therefore tax dollars are not flowing to private companies where it belongs.
I’m not sure whether to treat this comment seriously, or what. But I will say this: Among the many long-term toxic legacies of the Trump maladministration, the damage done to the principle of civilian control is not the smallest. (I grant you, it’s a long list. It’s kind of like the civic/political equivalent of a Superfund site.)
We are very fortunate in this country to have a long and, for the most part, bedrock-solid tradition of civilian control over the military and intelligence apparatus. Sure, the military demographic certainly tends to skew to the right, and there are always going to be individual cases of bad apples (like the idiot in the Oregon National Guard a while ago who got into trouble for social-media-ing about how asylum seekers should be glad they were just being detailed and not shot).
But deference to civilian oversight has very, very deep roots, and a long history. (After WW2, lots of people wanted Eisenhower to run for President … but for a while, no one was even sure what party he might adhere to. For many years, it was quite common for service officers to not even vote in elections, because they wanted to remain apolitical.) Again, there have been plenty of exceptions (cough Douglas MacArthur cough). But Obama, for example, could quite comfortably rely on the fact that, even if many of the rank, file, and brass didn’t like him, there was absolutely no question that they would obey him.
This is a bulwark of our democracy, and Trump’s unique combination of ignorance, incompetence, unreliability, and outright betrayal is causing significant erosion damage to it. In the last year and a half, serious people have had earnest conversations about whether, and under what circumstances, the military chain of command might disobey an order to, say, nuke North Korea (or Iran). We’ve had people, for quite legitimate reasons, sincerely hope that the intelligence community was actively hiding information from the President whom they work for.
This is very, very serious.
The new hires will be vetted as carefully as the White House staff, and stick around almost as long! And if it all goes to hell, oh well, Trump prefers veterans who don’t get sick.
They want to privatize it because they will be saving so much money…I call BS. This is about taking more money from our tax dollars and doing a crapping job. You know that they will denied our veterans the health care they need. We call know that they love the veterans when they are fighting for us, but f**k them when they come home