Discussion: Report: Trump Told Officials He Wanted Significant Increase In Nuclear Weapons

Well , Drumpy wants to start and win this nuclear war .


Trump said that he wanted a nearly tenfold increase in the country’s nuclear capabilities after seeing a presentation that showed how the U.S. has steadily worked to shrink the nuclear arsenal, according to NBC News.

That stupid fuckÂŽs gonna get us all killed, if he keeps it up.


So not only is Trump dumb as a stump,he is bat s**t crazy to boot. Isn’t that special.


It was after this meeting on July 20 that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was overheard calling Trump a “moron,” per NBC News. However, it’s not what [sic] what exactly prompted Tillerson to label Trump a moron, according to NBC News.

RIght. It could have been a million things.


Interesting, to say the least, counterpoint to his reported wondering, in the PRK discussions, why not just use the weapons, since we have them
 interesting also to listen and read the initial reportage without that connection being noted, sadly.

And all in all, we have become history’s next ‘sick man’. Literally, too.


Where is Country Joe MacDonald?
He needs to rework those lyrics

And it’s one, two, three,
What are we fighting for ?
Don’t ask me, I don’t give a damn,
Next stop is__________
And it’s five, six, seven,
Open up the pearly gates,
Well there ain’t no time to wonder why,
Whoopee! we’re all gonna die.

Well, come on generals, let’s move fast;
Your big chance has come at last.
Now you can go out and get those reds
'Cause the only good commie is the one that’s dead
And you know that peace can only be won
When we’ve blown 'em all to kingdom come.


Dog yapping (NK)


I think military cafeterias need bigger forks. Maybe not ten times bigger, but bigger nevertheless. Russians are known for big forks. We’re losing the fork race. That pisses me off.


Any fork looks large in his minuscule mitt.

The man is a smörgÄsbord of stupid.


When you’re an ammosexual and President. Wonder if Dim Son will want silencers for the nukes so children can use them without hurting their ears?


“Dim Son!”


Criminelly, what is this fascination with nuclear weapons?

It seems that the presidency is a role in a reality show, and the nuclear arsenal is part of a video game. Kaboom! enemy vanquished!!! with no lasting repercussions

And the WH will dance out the “oh, yeah, well he was just kidding” routine. Again. No wonder they treat him like a little kid, with this infantile behavior.

My head hurts.



So, what will Sarah Huckabuck say today?

  1. Lie, say it didn’t happen.
  2. Lie, say he was just encouraging an intellectual discussion.
  3. Lie, say he has considered all military, foreign relations, budget and economic and deficit ramifications, as well as potential for nuclear proliferation by other countries.
  4. Lie, and say she has not discussed this subject with him.
  5. Lie, and say it was just a joke and you should all get a sense of humor about killing millions of people and making part of the world uninhabitable for decades.

My thought exactly. It was likely one of those “where to start?” moments.


This all goes back to his “if we have nuclear weapons why don’t we use them.”
They should have told him if you want more nukes then no more golf, no tax cuts, and see if your donors will pony up some more bucks.
There is no reasoning with a fool.


Somehow, this reminds me of the punchline of an old joke: “I may be crazy, but I’m not stupid.” This clearly does not apply here. He combines stark raving crazy with weapons-grade stupidity.

If the US increases its nuclear arsenal, what does the idiot-in-chief think Russia and China are going to do. After decades of trying to limit nuclear weapons, Trump wants to return us to a nuclear arms race and mutual assured destruction. This is the NRA’s fallacious reasoning taken to a global level: A nuclear-armed world is a polite world.


tenfold = 10 times more (not 10% more). 1000% more? There goes your wall, your tax cut, and well - much of the fed. govt, and puts us all into North Korea levels of deprivation. Umm
 Go Trump! Tillerson was wrong he’s not a fucking moron, he’s a fucking moronic asshole.


He probably thinks he can get a great deal on them from the Russians. smh