Discussion: Report: Trump Team Wants To ID Energy Dept. Staffers Engaged In Climate Policy

Making a law that says pi is now 3.0 doesn’t change the math


Helloooooooo!!! I just linked this under the other article, TPM!!! All of this is not coincidental.


Trump is dong precisely what authoritarians do during the initial “honeymoon” period: create short-term success by any means possible, because the hero-worship still remains to grant a free pass, while all the gullible cretins who worship him will rationalize everything into the ends justifying the means.

This is an unmitigated fucking disaster.


I foresee a shitstorm of whistle-blowing raining down upon the country by next summer.


This is going to be the Trump team version of The Downing Papers…shaping the research and intelligence to support the findings…namely that climate change is a hoax and anybody involved in research in that area is a fraud.

I also think you are going to see a rinse, lather, repeat of this process through virtually every federal agency that stands in the way of the Heritage Foundation/US Chamber/energy industry view of reality.


By whom?

I guess another “conversion therapy” will be conducted there extensively.

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If Trump were to declare that pi = 3, fifty million Americans would believe him. The other ten million people who voted for him would ask, “What is pi?”


To be sure, this will be an ugly time for civil service. Don’t be surprised if the republicans try to “reform” civil service law fairly early in Trump’s term. If this does happen, this is the kind of thing that probably won’t get too much attention in the press but would be massively important in the long term for the average citizen.

Despite decades of abuse at the hands of politicians, particularly the “starve the beast” funding policy of republicans, and a press that focuses almost entirely on mistakes and failures, the U.S. civil service has largely remained both competent and depoliticized. The episode with Dept. of Justice under Bush is a good example of what can happen when protections aren’t there, but is only scratching the surface of what could happen…


No more trips to Paris for you, Dr. Smith! Down to the AV room for the next four years!

Get ready for the big purge - anyone who doesn’t agree with the GOP agenda is going to get forced out. That means anyone that believes in science. Or anything sensible.

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I read yesterday Leonardo DiCaprio met with President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday to discuss climate change. He met earlier with Ivanka. He gave them both a copy of “Before The Flood,” his documentary with National Geographic on climate change. I doubt either will bother to watch it. I watched it last night. Great stuff with NASA towards the end with their satellite data mapping. Link to full documentary
: https://vimeo.com/190439572


They’ll make their lives a living hell trying to force them out.


Gee, I can’t wait for 1/20/2017


No basement postings or other “in-house” punishment for those treasonous climate changers.

Here’s how it goes down:

The Orange Wonder gets the list. An intern loses a copy of said list. A radio talking head finds it and does a “Pizzagate” on every name on the list. A listener/volunteer “brown shirt” doxxes one of the names, goes to the person’s home to conduct an investigation by unloading a clip of ammo into him/her.

And America bathes in liberty again :confused:


The blades at wind farms have killed almost all the birds in North America.* So, there’s that.

*Donald Trump, at a rally, Dubuque, IA, June 19, 2016


They can be targeted in (false) fraud investigations, etc.

I’m actually afraid.


Special project: Oh yes, and the hope is that they’ll get so bored or frustrated they’ll just quit.
I’ve seen it in Fortune 500 in cases where a guy is wired in to someone up the line or politically connected. No one dares fire him or her. I’ve also seen it with at least one black guy with some kind of managers’s title but had no one reporting to him. He literally had nothing to do. Came in at 10; left at 2. He was an affirmative action hire to wear a mgr’s title.

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orange channelling Saint Ronnie.

“Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do.”


Trump’s famous worse: “You’re fired”.

Counting on Environmental regulations to happen at the state level is like saying the US doesn’t need any national military services…each state has its own national guard.

We all know that air, water, and sound does not cross state lines or national borders…that is why the EPA and environmental regulations and enforcement are totally unnecessary at the Federal level. The states can handle their own issues…no need for Washington DC except when the Koch brothers or Exxon-Mobil needs subsidies.

Trump is turning into the neutron bomb that many of us totally expected. We are so completely screwed.


Going back to 1960 wouldn’t be so bad in a lot of ways. At least back then you could buy a station wagon with real wood on the sides.