Discussion: Report: Trump Hires New Black Panther Alarmist To Monitor Elections

To feed his ego, Donald Trump would threaten the very foundations of our nation.

He needs to be condemned in the most strident and vehement fashion by any American, Republican or Democrat, Libertarian or Green.

The man is a threat to the very fabric of America.


Is that Chiselin’ Trump, in the lower left corner, sliding his hand up some unsuspecting woman’s skirt?

I vote from the comfort of my kitchen table. However, knowing these ‘monitors’ are out there make me wish I still went to a polling place. Yes, I am feeling violence in my heart.

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So when does von Spakovsky start?


The shear irony of folks who name their organization Freedom Partners. They cry that their freedom is under attack yet want to restrict the right to vote. Some of these folks even think the 19th amendment is irrelevant and they take a originalist position where only landowners had access to the ballot.

Three more weeks of destroying the GOP. After this election, the only people who vote GOP will be old pissed-off white guys.


"Ah, von Spakovsky, just like the old days, Hans, happy days are here again, just like Munich '37. Care for a glass of Sekt "


Well, it looks like we’ll have a viable third party after all - the Deplorable Party.

His freakishly tiny hands literally ripping at the fabric. Maybe distract him with some pussies to grab.


SNL should do a “Black Cougar” parody…Trump would probably volunteer be in it, chase watsisname offstage…puts a whole new meaning on “cameo role”.

Yes…you’d want to monitor anybody trying to intimidate, especially if they’re armed…


and had holes cut in his front pockets…

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"There was a joke about how hardly anyone ever met Mike Roman.
It was like, if you wanted to find him, he’d be in a trench coat on the National Mall,”
one former member of the organization told Politico.

Let’s get all of the heretofore unknown RWNJ cockroaches
out and onto the middle of the Trump campaign’s kitchen floor–
just as the lightswitch is flipped.

I want to hear alot more about Mike Roman.



Has he hired James O’Keefe yet? Seeing how Trump is still filling his basket of deplorables…I’m sure he’s still available for some slimy operation his campaign has in mind.

This campaign of his gets more disgusting and incendiary every day.


Don’t make repost that viralled pic of the magic-markered-shirted ‘Trump Can Grab My >>>’ woman.


I believe (that is to say, “many people are saying”) that the Koch brothers have a to-do list for Trump,which started with choosing their bitch Mike Pence, to be his Cheney, so to speak, and this sleazeball is on that list, too. The evil Kochs are probably ecstatic with anticipation at their inauguration as de facto president next year.

FEARMONGERING, BLOWARD…mess with any who is going to vote and we’ll SUE Donald Trump UP ONE SIDE AND DOWNTHE NEXT. Don’t mess with MY or MINE right to vote. Keep it up STUID.

We’d LOVE a reason to SUE DONALD TRUMP,. Voter intimidation is against the law STUPID.

If Donald Trump steps one foot into the dressing room of Miss Teen USA again, we’ll make sure that he’s investigated by Family Services. PREDITOR. Why the parents of these girls haven’t done so is beyond me. You disclosure agreements aren’t worth the paper they’re written on in court if someone is charged the testimony of someone is needed.

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It’s been eight freakin years but Teabaggers are still clutching their pearls over THIS:

This is the kind of stuff that made me post yesterday about early voting if you have it. I have a horrible gut feeling there is going to be some chaos that erupts in a few places on November 8th thanks to Trump and his incoherent dangerous rants.

Bringing this sleazeball on board just proves that theory. Go vote early folks…and if you do vote early and can go back on November 8th, take your phone and report any shit you see. This is outrageous. You can’t call yourself anything resembling a first world country and have this kind of nonsensical stuff happening around an election. This is banana republic level crap - this is the kind of stuff that the US sends election observers to other countries to try and prevent from happening.

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In the dusty-old-people-fart world of Trump, all black people live in “the ghetto”, and all cops are Irish guys named “Mick”. And the military is all wise-cracking Italian guys named “Brooklyn”. And they’ll all be fine with a white supremacist Trump junta overthrowing the US Constitution.

Too bad for them the US has changed since the 1940s. Good for us, bad for them.