Discussion: Report: Trump Admin Preps New Rule To Deny Asylum To Border-Crossers

Given the right wing Supreme Court and it’s idiotic 5-4 decision affirming the Muslim Ban, Trump is now emboldened to do anything he wants to keep our brown people and non Christians. Breaching international law and automatically rejecting asylum requests is the first step. More will come, such as citing “national security” as grounds to keep out immigrants from brown countries.


Absolutely. If you wish to apply for asylum, the proper approach is to go to a US Consular Office. There are 9 in Mexico, and there are offices in each of the CA countries.

We are not the dumping ground for the refuse of the world. And, no, if your husband is not pleasant to you, this is not a valid reason for claiming asylum. Neither is gang problems. Solve your own problems, folks.

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Amusing. Is “sniffit” an old family name?

With this gang of scofflaws, violating international treaties is a policy goal.

Feature, not bug.


Maybe France should sue to take back the Louisiana Purchase? Laissez Bons Temps Rouler

They’re unlikely to accept it back. It would include way too much Trumpland.

Location of Louisiana Purchase
By William Morris - Not published online. Sent directly to me for uploading on author's behalf., CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

Well maybe just for a little while, we could use an upgrade on food and spirits. Then ya’ll can come back and claim us as part of the US of A.

Oh and water right fights will be magnifique!

The trouble is, like Bush and Cheney, Sessions is just a “good ole American homeboy” with no interest in traveling outside of his little bubble of Red Meat America. He can do what he likes because he doesn’t want to go anywhere he would be picked up and sent to the Hague and the US doesn’t extradite people to the Hague because we don’t brook any infringement of our national sovereignty.

Of course we are. We’ve always been, and it says so on the Statue of Liberty. Please educate yourself on US and US colonial history. Most of our forbears who immigrated here were “refuse”. This doesn’t even include black people; yet some folks nevertheless still se us as refuse.


Thanks for trying, but I would save your time responding to him. When it comes to anything immigrant, he’s a soulless black hole of venom and hatred.


What is truly sad about the Trump administration’s lack of compassion for these Central American refugees seeking asylum is their complete failure to recognize that the violence and death these poor people are seeking to escape is a direct product of the intervention of OUR COUNTRY – yes, the U.S.A, – in support of a host of tin-pipe dictators. WE as a nation bear a huge share of the responsibility for the trgic conditions in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and a host of other similar countries.

Shame on all of us, but especially shame on Trump for not owning up to the debt we owe these people.