Discussion: Report: Trevor Noah To Succeed Jon Stewart As 'The Daily Show' Host

I hope he does well. He has a couple of hours available on Netflix, and I enjoy him, just need to see him behind the desk. His stand up shows plenty of intelligence and wit, but delivery will be very important here. I think he needs to use John Oliver more as a model then John Stewart, I think he is more suited to that style.

I agree. And to the extent that the guy at the desk needs to be the sane one at the center of the insanity surrounding him, he could be perfect. I’m really glad I had the time to check out some YouTube clips, where his humanity came through in a way it hadn’t in his TDS appearances. If he can be that guy (after a few shows; I’m braced for him to start out a little stiff), I think he’ll be terrific.

I don’t think that is true. I think Noah is VERY similar in style and delivery to John Stewart. The whole point of TDS is you delivery the news straight and let the ridiculous politics you are reporting be the joke.