The Buck Owen’s song “Tiger by the tail” comes to mind… again.
They’ve created a monster and it’s now destroying the town.
One thing about the GOP is that it doesn’t matter. Their success has been how they vote, crazy or not, they will vote for Trump.
It’s strange. A lot of (lazy, intellectually incurious) media types spent a lot of this week gushing over drumpf being presidential and how this was “the pivot” they so desperately want to make this a horserace. But the Gop folks with their jobs on the line seem worried, despondent, just like before (see Mcain’s ad–not confident of Gop victory). Are they privy to internal polling that the previously mentioned talking heads aren’t? Hard to know where this is heading.
BREAKING: Republican officials having second thoughts about entering orbit of star about to go supernova.
Trump family motto - Always Blame the Scapegoat.
Trump Team - we scatter the tinder and throw the matches, the RNC’s job is putting out the fire and paying for damages. What could go wrong?
Either way, its a shitstorm: The Republican National Committee is fighting with Drumpf or they are on board with his bigoted bullshit. Its a win-win for Democrats and other sentient beings.
I’ve thought the same thing for a while, too. It made sense when Trump was free falling in the polls but before and after that these insiders have been steadily laying groundwork or at least saying such assuming he’d lose. Kinda makes me wonder what they’ll do if he wins.
Lol. An orange dwarf?
What I am seeing over the past two days, is the media is getting defensive of being called out for the atrocious job they are doing, and actually seems to be doubling down on doing a crappy job.
To your point about wanting to see “the pivot”, I was flabbergasted watching Washington Week last night. They were still peddling “the pivot” and the Trump has softened his stance on immigration. This is almost 48 hours after his speech in Phoenix, and they are saying he soften his stance??
They brought up the “Very Serious Questions Raised” about “pay to play” at the Clinton Foundation, and reiterated that they absolutely have to shut down the entire organization. Any mention of the actual news story in the past week of pay to play from the Trump organization…the one where he actually pleaded guilty and paid the fine?..Not a word.
Similarly, with all of this talk about his stance on immigration…one might think that the very real allegations against Trump Models (a company that not only bears his name, but in which he has a 80% stake) for running a sweatshop using undocumented models (largely underage undocumented workers) and actively engaged in coaching them on how to lie to Federal authorities and lie on Federal documents, would at least be raised. Not a word mentioned.
I have been watching (and occasionally commenting) on some of the “discussions” on twitter that have been going on with several NYT reporters/editors. They quite literally seem to think that for every negative story about Trump, they are required to run one about Hillary…and if one doesn’t exist, well…make one up out of innuendo. Its the only way they can be fair.
But, I have complete confidence that come Sunday, Brian Setler will discuss in detail…how Hillary hasn’t given a press conference to Washington Insiders in a long time. There will be no mention of pressers she has given Black journalists, or Hispanic journalists, or how she is now flying with the press corp on their plane to give them gaggles. Only that she hasn’t given a presser to these Very Serious People so they can ask her why nobody trusts her and when she will shutdown that horrid foundation…and nothing else.
“Professional amnesty lobbyists”. Lol.
The Hispanic Advisory Board probably aren’t too popular with other Hispanics…and now they get dissed by Trump’s campaign. Nice lose-lose proposition there.
The RNC also gets scapegoated for the predictably negative results of Trump’s disastrous speech.
Don’t they know by now that no one who gets into Trump’s orbit gets out in one piece? You lose your dignity, don’t get paid, or both.
Don’t you remember Karl Rove arguing that he had “…the numbers!” Maybe they just can’t count? I find it gratifying to see these folks cannibalizing each other, Hillary’s Opponent is just toxic. Hopefully, it’s heading towards a drubbing in November and President Hillary Clinton. I know this will cause a big sad for many conservatives, but somehow, my tears for them have all dried up.
Let’s start out with some understated, neutral characterizations of the situation:
“unorthodox management structure”
“more measured tone”
But it’s just a set up for the red meat delusional quotes:
“Yet … Trump’s team blamed the RNC for failing to control the backlash to the inflammatory speech”
"“Priebus told the Times that the RNC had a “fantastic working relationship” with the Trump campaign”
That’s some good writing.
Republican’s started cynically recruiting those too ignorant to overcome intolerance in the '60’s to win the old Confederacy after the Civil and Voter Rights Acts adoption. Now the nations ignorant intolerant from every State have not only found refuge in the Republican Party but this year became the Republican majority and elected their, not the establishment’s Presidential candidate Donald Trump. The result as we have seen is ugliness, ignorance, and intolerance. Not only is Trump and his message of fear, ignorance and intolerance on his and its way down, America is once again proving it is in fact the smartest, most tolerant, and most importantly unafraid and secure nation on earth. We are determined to remain the worlds shining light.
It’s astonishing to think that an adult (what my nephew would call “a grown-ass man”) would say that the RNC should control the backlash from a speech that this adult’s employer made. Let’s see…how old were most of us when our parents started making us clean up after ourselves? Perhaps HO’s housekeeping staff at the Tower could mop up. They’re probably used to cleaning up after debacles.
The RNC should respond that until they have complete control of the campaign they won’t be responsible for the messes that it makes. Controlling someone else’s damage is a sure way to get more damage to control.
I wonder if the RNC is questioning whether or not it was a good idea to allow Trump to run as a RNC presidential candidate.
Although its too late to change their candidate now, I can’t help but to be curious if they will allow another “outsider” to run and as a bona fide RNC candidate ever again.
Or…orange hole…
Just take a look at this pic here.
Two completely entitled white assholes. It’s the perfect family photo!
This isn’t helping either:
“Trump-backing pastor busted by CNN host for lying about military service and attending college” OUCH !