“We aren’t stupid,” a senior GOP aide told Axios.
“We aren’t stupid,” a senior GOP aide told Axios.
McConnell: Bet you thought you lived in a representative democracy, didn’t you?
“We aren’t stupid,” a senior GOP aide told Axios.
No, you’re evil!
Maybe Mueller should delve into the recent formation of "Trump Emergency Room Construction & Management, LLC"
“We aren’t stupid.” We could have a pretty lively debate about that, Senator.
Am I too conspiracy-minded to wonder if they are trying to shove their crap through the Senate despite the bill’s unpopularity and mounting opposition because they are counting on Russia for its assistance in 2018 again?
I’d like to think they aren’t doing that amid growing evidence of Russian attacks against our system in 2016. Then again, that’s normal, rational, logical thinking… and now may well be wishful thinking. Recent years I thought too many times “No way they can do this, it would surely blow up in their face” and yet it didn’t and they had their way.
They’re counting on the 2020 Census cementing their Congressional majorities in perpetuity.
I called both of my Senators. I suggest that everyone else do the same. If this thing gets out, I think it can be killed.
Increasingly worried the Trump (and even Pence) pen won’t be around to sign it if they wait too long.
Dan Rather: “They’re as nervous as pigs in a packing plant.”
Paul Ryan is third in line. They’re not worried.
A new entry in Black’s Law Dictionary under “slander per se.”
Again? I thought they did this with the last incarnation of repeal and replace and then got bit when the report came out.
GOP moderates always cave.
In related news, the same GOP Senators seeking to evade public scrutiny over their bill funding tax cuts for the rich by gutting health care all accused President Obama of “jamming through” the ACA affter only 79 public hearings, 14 months of consideration, and a bipartisan Senate commission.
Is there any American party group more evil than today’s Trump GOP?
They aren’t moderates. They just sound it.
Speaker Pelosi will bear that in mind when the Order of Succession comes into play.
“We aren’t stupid,” a senior GOP aide told Axios.
Unlike the House…
It’s Super Secret Double Probation" Fuck You Poors"
If they told us they’d have to kill us
Either way , same result
On the contrary, you ARE fucking stupid, assholes.
And I’m mean.
And somethings gotta give.
After reading a Politico article on this, I think sustained pressure from the grassroots plus a willingness by Senate Dems to use every parliamentary tool to delay this vote into the recess can kill the bill for 2017. The issue on the far right seems to be that they started from the tear it out by ‘root and branch’ bill of 2015, which Obama vetoed. They feel like they’re making too many concessions already to moderates. They don’t want to take a political risk for a bill that leaves the Obamacare framework in place and is just less generous. They think that when Dems retake power, they’ll just put it back together and improve it. They want to rip the whole thing out, force Dems to build from scratch, and establish the point that government doesn’t owe anyone anything on health care.
From that perspective, the AHCA is O-care lite. Others from blue states want to fund the tax cut but don’t want to break the O-Care system. If we all put sustained pressure, that gap in the GOP caucus can cause the legislation to stall or break. Keep CALLING!