Discussion: Report: Secret Service Can't Pay Agents Because Of Trump's Travel, Large Family

You live dangerously! I’d be even more afraid of Park Cities police. You could always make snide comments to Laura at the liquor store. :sunglasses:

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Why are the kids covered when taking business trips? If they are that rich can’t they hire private security. Free market and all.


hahahahahahaha First time I dropped acid I was in high school and we were driving around in Dallas peaking and got stopped by the Park Cities police They couldn’t figure us out and let us go.


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Yeah I asked my senator that question but my senators are Ted Cruz and John Cornyn. Crus might have agreed but Cornyn is way up Trump’s ass.

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Like that crying bigot at Charlottesville who was arrested and found to have a OK Cupid profile.
Could you imagine his profile?
Likes: White Supremacism, Trump.
Dislikes: Brown people, ethnic food-all of it.

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Rescended again in 2012, reinstating life time protection for W and Obama(only Presidents that would have been excluded thus far) by Obama.

Nixon remains the only ex President who went without Secret Service Protection, and he relinquished the protection voluntarily in 1985.

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Let me get this straight…If Congress doesn’t appropriate more money for the secret service, they can’t protect Trump?

What’s the downside?

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Yeah I remember now that Obama did that and Obama and his family fucking need it. I’m sure there was a record number of death threats made against them.


t-rump should provide them free to the people who are protecting his miserable life. There is always something worse happening with this guy. No bottom to his barrel.

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