That’s all that is left of the Republican Party…DON’T TAKE A LEAK ON MY HEAD AND TELL ME IT RAINING…
The Republican Party has LONG lost their credibility. NOW if someone would encourage Trey Gowdy to SHUT-DOWN his Benghazi ‘WITCH HUNT’…HE MIGHT be able to earn some credibility for himself. It’s a long shot, but HEY it’s worth a try.
By the fact that Paul was not re-elected to his post says a lot about
what he’s about. Proof is in the pudding, BUSTER!
Seriously. One of my kitties likes to take dried turds out of the litter box and bat them about the floor and chase them around. I really can’t think of a better analogy than that for the shit we watch the MSM do on a daily basis.
One thing to note: IMHO, this is precisely why the Dems cannot under any circumstances give them an out by offering to provide the votes. DO. NOT. CAVE. They built this. Amurikkka needs to watch it sink beneath the quicksand they built it on while they flail about frantically trying to undo the mess they’ve made of themselves. The last fucking thing my blood pressure needs is watching Plutocrat Pauly become Speaker with a “bipartisan” vote after the MSM has glibly swallowed and regurgitated the White Knight hero-savior narrative.
Paul Ryan would be a terrible Speaker of the House. He is a wonk at solving problems, and not a negotiator and back slapper that is very political like Boehner.
Covering his ass by saying he would take it but only “IF”. Knowing the craziest caucus will refuse to support him if he doesn’t give them what they want. Now he is covered. No one can say he wasn’t willing to be a team player.
I thought that the “Freedom Caucus” has a list of procedural changes they want, one of which is floor votes on bills (i.e., the Speaker shouldn’t have the power to refuse to bring bills to the floor). And, yes, that seems to undermine the Hastert Rule, but they seem to want Republican members to have to be on record on everything. There are some other changes they want.
I suspect that what’s going on now is an internal negotiation among the Republicans about whether to make some procedural changes, as a condition to reaching consensus on the new Speaker. That might be very different from what the anonymous person characterizes as “demands”–particularly if that latter terms means commitments to refuse to move a clean debt ceiling or funding bill forward.
I’m interested in what procedural changes they want, why and what such changes would mean. However, the media doesn’t seem to have any interest in this.
I wonder if perhaps this isn’t Ryan’s way out of of the job without having to risk his status among the far right. Maybe he leaked this anonymous report in order to give the Freedumb Caucus something to bitch and complain about and a reason to go ahead and reject him before he even has to go through the trouble of interviewing for the job. This way he saves face with the crazies, the “serious people” who think he’s their savior, and the base. It’s kind of like being offered a promotion you seriously don’t at all want and then refusing the job because they won’t pay a salary you knew they’d never agree to.
I agree to a point. Democrats should let this thing drag out as long as possible, or until the GOP has no other choice but to nominate someone like Charlie Dent, or one of the few remaining moderates from a blue district, who really has no political choice but to be sane. If that were to happen I would totally support Democrats agreeing to give him the necessary votes IF he agreed to bring to the floor a package of legislation the Democrats want to pass.
Taking the process hostage. Marathon Rayn really does not want this job. Such a disappointment. I would have loved to watch. 'Fraid his 15 min were up when he got railroaded by “I didn’t make a mistake with this guy,” Rmoney. Fool me once.
Lots of votes from the opposing party? Its never happened in modern times, and I am unaware of it happening previous to that.
Traficant voted for Hastert in 2000, and was promptly stripped of his seniority and all committee seats, and then tossed to the prosecutors for conviction of all sorts of badness including racketeering.
I really don’t see the Dems coming to the GOP’s rescue on this. And why should we? As the TP and Establishment battle it out for control of their party in the House, the inevitable outcome will be Dems picking up seats from the loser, eventually retaking the Majority. Any “agreement” to help them out, only prolongs their Majority status.
Sure, Pelosi can make one off deals to get basic stuff passed and keep the government running, and she probably will (Hell, its what she has been doing the entire time Boehner has been Speaker, no sense to stop now). But the price and the publicity of each will probably start rising.